Watching the veteran great bowlers on the tour, it seems like many of them prefer to play the outside line, while the newer guys play a deep inside line with higher revs.
For examples of the former, Walter Ray Williams Jr. and Norm Duke come to mind. No doubt about it, these guys tear it up playing the outside. Of course, they can play the inside too, but that's not where they start.
I think about Wes Malott, Chris Barnes, etc. playing the inside line. When the oil gets pushed down from all the guys playing that line WRW and Duke are still kicking butt on the inside playing more straight.
I myself am much more comfortable playing the ten board with medium revs and speed than trying to crank the ball like most newer bowlers seem to prefer.
What do other people think?
Complete ball arsenal:
Storm Gravity Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Hammer Cherry Vibe
Lane #1 Bullet
Columbia 300 White Dot - Blue Pearl