Ok, first I'll ask a question, then of course I'll give my opinion about it all. haha. It just wouldn't be a MichiganBowling post without my loud mouthed opinion!!!
What does your town, association, or bowling center do in the form of a newsletter, articles, or scores reporting? Does your local newspaper have a bowling section weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, daily?
Here in the Flint, Michigan area, the Flint Journal has a Sunday section where they put all of the big scores from around the area. Usually 250 and up for men, 200 and up for women, and they'll cover some of the award scores that happen each week. We also have a publication called the 11th Frame which is run by the bowling editor's wife, so it has a lot of the same info as the Flint Journal with a few more articles and ads.
MY OPINION: I think we need more control over the media. All of these high scores are thrown in there all of the time, but why not the standings of a classic bowling league? I hardly ever see any real PBA coverage in the newspaper either. I think any area that has a sport league needs to have major coverage in the newspaper or other publication. If we keep promoting high scores on soft conditions, then people are going to keep shooting for that. I'd like to limit score publication to scratch achievements on challenging conditions. This would motivate people to get better on challenging conditions and then we might see the MAJORITY of people wanting sport patterns, and then integrity would have a chance once again.
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"