
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Tracy on January 07, 2009, 02:30:02 AM

Title: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: Tracy on January 07, 2009, 02:30:02 AM
I was wondering what your opinion is of interchangeable thumb systems; IT, SwitchGrips, Toms' Thumb, etc.  Virtually no bowlers at my house have them and most ball drillers don't seem to offer them, yet those who do, rave about them.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: the pooh on January 07, 2009, 10:44:26 AM
I,personally,would not want to bowl without an interchangeable thumb.It makes more sense to bowl with fixed fingers than a fixed thumb.The size of the thumb must be perfect to bowl well,and it changes constantly.Before I went to Thom's Thum,I would use as much as 12 pieces of thick white tape in my thumb at times.At other times,it would all have to come out.I now have an arsenal of 5 thumb sizes,and they all fit in any ball I throw.Sometimes I hear the opinion that a thumb mold works as well as the changeable thumb.I don't think soyou still have to tape it!Every ball I drill is immediately perfect,and they all feel exactly the same! What a terrific advantage!
   There is a learning curve to installing them,and not every driller is willing to go through it.Like a lot of things in life,anything worth having is worth working for.
the pooh
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: keeones23 on January 07, 2009, 10:46:51 AM
I wanted in the worst way to get the vise IT system in all my equipment but none of the proshop I frequent have them, it's more of a turbo town. So since that's the case I had to settle for the switchgrips. Not a bad product at all. I've been using them for about two months now and haven't had any problems. I have noticed though that there is a small wiggle. It doesn't feel like it's going to break or anything but when I pull on the slug it will move a little bit. Not to jack the thread but since we're on the subject does anyone know of a proshop in oakland county mich who has Vise IT's?
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: Geetaan on January 07, 2009, 11:09:49 AM
I recently Switched to Vise IT system, and I have to say I love it! Same thumb feel everytime. I noticed I have been able to Pick up 10 pins alot more consistant after i went to the Vise IT system. I would recommend them to the fullest.
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: Dan Belcher on January 07, 2009, 11:46:23 AM
Pretty much everyone here knows I'm a huge fan of the Vise IT system.  Easy installation which means a great fit, and they're practically impossible to break.
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: Nbgiant25 on January 07, 2009, 03:35:32 PM
Interchangeable thumbs are a great idea, but heed this warning:  Do not get Switch Grips... At least not the last version.  I have had 2 sleeves break after 30 or so games, luckily during practice, but annoying nonetheless.  I would recommend a type which actually screws into the ball, making breaking a near impossible feat.  I am actually switching back to conventionally drilled thumbs for a while b/c I've been turned off by the bad luck I had with them, although the consistent fit was great.

Also be sure that the pitch is done properly on each ball, or you will end up with the same issue of slightly different 'feel'.
Title: Re: Interchangeable Thumbs
Post by: nowski1381 on January 07, 2009, 03:55:28 PM
My proshop used the Grip-loc system which I really liked but recently switched to the Vise IT and I had it installed in 2 of my balls and I love it...if you can, go with the "IT"!