Here's the problem to solve...
Golf courses cannot be modified in regards to length, slope, etc easily so they can be rated and a golfer can expect that the course they play will be close to what the rating states.
Lanes are another story. On lane rating day, I run a different pattern than I do for leagues. On Monday seniors day, I run a different pattern than on Wed Classic League. On the Sunday's couple league, I don't re-run the lanes from Sunday noon so they have had open play on them all day.
How is that house supposed to be rated for the 3 bowlers that bowl in 1 league in that house on different nights. Surely you don't suggest that the local association is going to pull tapes for the 3 different shots and provide 3 different ratings?
From what some posters say here, some associations barely make sure the lanes are 60 feet and have 10 pins for certification.
Also, how about the house that I bowl in that was built in the 50's in a small TX town that is a metal building with no central heat. In the winter, the lane machine and oil is kept out where the temps fall into the 50's in the building at night. During the winter, the oil levels on the lane change dramatically, and averages fall like crazy. Is USBC supposed to know this and adjust the rating accordingly?