Anyone up for a little test?
How easy would it be to get hold of a durometer for a test? How much do they cost?
I ask, because I'm now half tempted to see if I can find one (cost depending) and test out my Hopkinsville Black Widow Purple Pearl Urethane, followed by both my Fab Blue and Blue Pearl Hammers, both from the St. Louis plant. I'd love to see what hardness they come out with and if they pass muster to the USBC's rule change. If they do, then we have a problem with the rule, as a ball with less 50 games should definitely pass that test, while two 32 year old balls with over 150 games on it should fail. If the Fab balls pass, then I defer to itsallaboutme's post about ball companies.
Perhaps someone should get hold of Vic from King of Bowling TV, and have him do a durometer test on all of his relics. He has a huge stash of U2s, Thunderbolts, Gyros, Phantoms, Fabs, and Rhinos, that by the PBA's stance, all should fail a hardness test.