Rags, quietly move to the lane you were SUPPOSED to be bowling on...
actually, that radical a change would've caused me throw out current history and pretend I just walked in the door.
WIth what you described, I would've pulled out the yellow dot and thrown straight up five. the trick is to do it first before everyone else notices and makes the adjustment.
"Heres a Llama, Theres a Llama and another little Llama, Fuzzy Llama, Funny Llama, Llama Llama Duck. Llama Llama, cheesecake Llama Tablet, Brick, Potato Llama Llama Llama, Mushroom Llama, Llama Llama Duck. I was once a tree house, i lived in a cake, but i never saw the way the slayed the rake. I was only three years dead, But it told a tale, And now listen little child, to the safety Rail. Did you ever see a Llama, Kiss a Llama on the Llama? Llama Llama's, Taste of Llamas, Llama Llama Duck.
Half A Llama, twice a Llama, Not a Llama, Farmer Llama. Llama in a car, Alarm a Llama, Llama Duck Is that how its told now? Is it all so old? Is it made of Lemon juice? Doorknob, Ankle, Cold. Now my song is getting thin, I've run out of luck! Time for me to retire now, and become a duck! "