I was 17, not near the bowler i am now when i put 12 straight balls flush into the pocket for my first sanctioned 300 game. My last shot i was so nervous my legs were shaking and i couldn't even feel the ball.
I had a 299 just as little as 3 weeks later.
Fast forward to now, i always find some way to leave something. I run off the front 9 or 10 almost once every week in a league, but i ALWAYS leave a (insert back row pin here) somehow. I am vastly more experienced, a better bowler, more accurate, better rotation, i dont get nervous on shots and i execute.
I've had 300's in unsanctioned play such as tournaments, sweepers, jackpot, etc. I just can't get an adult sanctioned one. I've got 4 in tournaments and jackpots.
Its just weird, i've had over a dozen 280+ games and probably 10 times i've had the front 10 or front 9 but theres always a stone 8, or stone 9, or wrap 7, or swish 10 i leave. Meanwhile i see people make completely flawed shots or pull a ball bad and trip a 4 or 7 or somethin. Just gettin frustrating i want another sanctioned one, the unsanctioned ones are nice and i know i can do it, it just sucks
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.
The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC