Haha thanks for the reply, I was beginning to hear crickets. And lol I know all these answers already because we talk about them at length. He DID make the comment Saturday that although the shot was sport compliant in 2003, they didn't start the sport sanctioning until 2004, so he didn't technically get credit for sport 300s and the 800.
He says the conditions haven't changed a whole lot, it's been the equipment. He complains about the "big oil soakers" that speed the transition up. He shot the set with an original Columbia clear pin Pulse, and he continues to take that one and a blue Surge every year in addition to some newer stuff.
He always watches the youtube videos of the squads now that they offer them, plus he likes getting there a day early so he has plenty of time to actually watch a lot of different people actually bowling at the venue. We also put the patterns down here at our home house a couple times before we leave for the event.
"Smooth and arc-ey" is what he likes there. Something strong enough to let you play a bit right of 10 and get it back. He's got this nice little fade through the middle. Not a big speed and revs guy, kind of a Steve Jaros type of roll, a real simple game that he doesn't have to change much with the lane transition, he just follows it.
He obviously hasn't been as successful since then, but he still holds his own. He shot almost 1900 for all events last year, and he's 56. The funny thing about that year was that he didn't do well in team, so he didn't put anything in brackets the second day. Haha he still made several thousand dollars out of the deal, but you'd have to think that 837 sweeps every bracket he'd have been in.
I don't know when the video will be up, might be after the bowling season ends and things calm down a bit before I get the chance, but I want to have a lot of stuff lined up and ready to go. Ron isn't a familiar name to most people, but I DO have some very familiar names in the area that I hope to get an interview with, but I don't want to name drop in case it doesn't happen. I will be taking questions though once I have them confirmed. I see Ron several times a week too, so if there's anything you're just curious about, I can always ask him. I'll see him tonight at league matter of fact.