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Author Topic: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?  (Read 23924 times)

trash heap

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Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:55:13 AM »
My answer is "No".

Talkin' Trash!


trash heap

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2015, 01:57:40 PM »

A legit 300 game in a "no tap" is completely different. It is a "real" 300 game. 12 strikes in row. That is big.
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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #47 on: January 06, 2015, 02:47:33 PM »
    But to a 150 average bowler, a no-tap 300 might be the only way they ever get one. To them it's as big as a "real" 300 is to a 200 average bowler who may only get 1 or 2 ever. That is what everyone is saying. To you, a no-tap 300 isn't a big deal, but to some it is, and it's not your place, nor mine to diminish that.


A legit 300 game in a "no tap" is completely different. It is a "real" 300 game. 12 strikes in row. That is big.


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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #48 on: January 06, 2015, 03:49:22 PM »
and it's not your place, nor mine to diminish that

First. I am not going to go around the bowling center making less of the accomplishment. If this bowler approached me and told me their no tap 300. I would give congrats (Don't expect me to jump for joy). I am not going to take away anything from them. However, I am entitled to my opinion. If the conversation comes up on the subject. I am to going state my view on the matter. We disagree that is okay.

Again: I will say congrats and smile! (In the back of my mind I am thinking, "I am not impressed")

To me "no tap" is watered down game of bowling. Specific Rules removed to make it easier to score.
Talkin' Trash!

The Shadow

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2015, 07:24:59 PM »
    That's cause you are equating it to your goals. To someone who has never thrown a 300, someone who has never even been close to throwing a 300, someone who probably never will roll a "regulation" 300 those people it is a BIG ACHIEVEMENT. Plus unless you are there watching, how do you the "no-tap" 300 wasn't a real 300? I stated in my earlier post, a bowler who bowls a weekly no-tap tournament at a house in Northern California. His mother started it and so he rolls it week in and week out. He did it when he was younger and still does it now even though he is a very accomplished scratch bowler. He rolled 36 straight strikes during this tournament once, real strikes, no 9 count strikes. That is a 900. Is it recognized, no. But is that not a BIG ACHIEVEMENT?!? So why say to someone who may roll a 300 with the help of a few "no-tap" strikes it's not a BIG ACHIEVEMENT to them or others?

Maybe our definition of "BIG ACHIEVMENT" is different.

Example: I watched a young man throw his first 300 game this past weekend. A great thing to watch! Someone got his last shot on video.  What awesome memory to have on video. Especially since his parents were not there to see it. His reaction was priceless. Everyone hugging him and congratulating him. Personally, I will never forget it! 

Example 2:Several weeks ago. I watch a very young girl throw her first 100 game. Her parents went crazy. She was excited. It was great moment for her. She had come close so many times before and she finally did it.

To me those are BIG ACHIEVEMENTS in bowling.

This is not about belittling someone. I just don't see a No Tap 300 game as a BIG ACHIEVEMENT. It's something unique but I don't think of it as a milestone. 

I equate it to shooting a Dutch 200 game or picking up an 8-10 Split.

As stated earlier. It happens on my pair, high fives are happenning, free drinks are in order. I just don't see giving it the same type of reaction as my two examples above.

Good post, Jorge.
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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2015, 05:53:53 AM »
I guess a no-tap tournament would have its place for lower average bowlers, but I wouldn't bowl one for anything.  But I have talked to others around my average(usually 198-206 range) that have bowled them and I just don't get it.

I quit bowling around 1987 and didn't pick up a ball for 11 years.  The highest I ever averaged the first go-round was 184.  First league back 11 years later I was over 200.  The equipment changes were unreal and with scores so high now, why would any decent bowler want to bowl no-tap?

You get a nine count and then it re-sets?  Seems like a totally bizarre concept to me!

I never thought about it, but I would imagine I have had some no-tap 300s in leagues.


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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #51 on: January 13, 2015, 12:20:50 PM »
Ok, there are scrambles in golf where everyone tees off and you hit from whoever hit the best shot.  Scores are low.  I have had people tell me the shot a low 60 playing a scramble.  Nice score.  Do I think think they are a pro golfer, no.  Do I care if they think it is an impressive score, no.  Say congrats and move on.

Same thing here.  If a bowler thinks there no tap 300 is great. Good for them.  If they want to "brag" about it.  I let them.  I have had people tell me they shot an 1138 game.  I say good job and move on.

If someone is telling you about their score, for some reason they look up to you, or want your respect or acknowledgement or they are just showing off.  Whatever, the reason, the world of bowling is a better place in my opinion if we all say "cool, I hope you keep bowling" and move along. 


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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2015, 12:22:46 PM »
Ok, there are scrambles in golf where everyone tees off and you hit from whoever hit the best shot.  Scores are low.  I have had people tell me the shot a low 60 playing a scramble.  Nice score.  Do I think think they are a pro golfer, no.  Do I care if they think it is an impressive score, no.  Say congrats and move on.

Same thing here.  If a bowler thinks there no tap 300 is great. Good for them.  If they want to "brag" about it.  I let them.  I have had people tell me they shot an 1138 game.  I say good job and move on.

If someone is telling you about their score, for some reason they look up to you, or want your respect or acknowledgement or they are just showing off.  Whatever, the reason, the world of bowling is a better place in my opinion if we all say "cool, I hope you keep bowling" and move along. 

Amen! Let people enjoy the sport as they see fit.
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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2015, 03:50:01 PM »
Ok, there are scrambles in golf where everyone tees off and you hit from whoever hit the best shot.  Scores are low.  I have had people tell me the shot a low 60 playing a scramble.  Nice score.  Do I think think they are a pro golfer, no.  Do I care if they think it is an impressive score, no.  Say congrats and move on.

Same thing here.  If a bowler thinks there no tap 300 is great. Good for them.  If they want to "brag" about it.  I let them.  I have had people tell me they shot an 1138 game.  I say good job and move on.

If someone is telling you about their score, for some reason they look up to you, or want your respect or acknowledgement or they are just showing off.  Whatever, the reason, the world of bowling is a better place in my opinion if we all say "cool, I hope you keep bowling" and move along. 

+1 Great Post!

trash heap

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2015, 04:41:06 PM »
Let's take another golf example.

A guy comes into the club house and mentions he shot his best round of golf. Had a score of 87 for 18 holes (First time he ever broke 90). He's telling everyone how well he did on every hole.  Someone mentions to you that he shot that score from the red tees (He should be playing from white, there is no reason he should be playing the red tees).

What are your initial thoughts on his accomplishment? Are you impressed?

Just like you stated. I will say "Congrats"! However, but my initial thought is going to be "Why aren't trying for that score from the White tees?". 

When approached by these people (TO REPEAT) I will say congrats! I am not going ruin their moment. It's not my place to (no argument from me on that). However it is my place to have my opinion on the subject and in my view a no tap 300 game doesn't mean squat.

As I stated in other replies I rather hear about a kid throwing their 1st 100 game or 300 series.

Oh by the way. The T-Ball reference. How about if it was an 8 year old kid in little league telling you he was hitting home runs over in the T-Ball field? The kid can't hit homeruns in the little league field. So he goes over to the T-Ball field and knocks them out of the park everytime! That is some Great Hitting!! Awesome!!! Way to Go!

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2015, 04:42:55 PM »
Why is he supposed to be playing from the white tees again?
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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2015, 05:12:41 PM »
   Your golf example shows exactly what I was talking about. You are putting YOUR goals on others. Why should the guy be playing the white tees? Because you play from the white tees? Just because that is what you think everyone should play from there? Unless you are an oscar winning actor, you may say congrats, but your face will portray your real feelings....which won't make the person believe your flippant words.

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #57 on: January 15, 2015, 09:56:20 AM »
Yeah! I didn't explain it enough. Wrote it too fast.

I was trying to state that others tell you he can play from the white tees. It's not your opinion or mine. He has the ability to play from the white, but chooses the red because he can score better.

I am not backing down. I guess these people will have to live through my facial expression of not being impressed. If it upsets them that much, they need to grow up.  Sorry, welcome to the real world. You are not going to impress everyone you meet.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #58 on: January 15, 2015, 01:25:06 PM »
And when you mention that you cashed for the first time in a tour tournament last week, the 10-year pro gives a 'not-impressed' look and says nothing?

No, he congratulates you.  C'mon, guys, be ambassadors to the sport.

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2015, 02:09:03 PM »
LOL! The subject has changed from me saying "Congrats!" Then buying the guy a drink with my own personal thought that it is NOT a "Big Achievement" in Bowling!

to "I say congrats!" My face is going to show I am not impressed and upset the guy.

to "Now I say nothing to the guy!"

I can't wait to see what I will do next: (Any ideas)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 02:40:30 PM by trash heap »
Talkin' Trash!

Joe Cool

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Re: Is a No Tap 300 Game a Big Achievement?
« Reply #60 on: January 15, 2015, 02:31:11 PM »
Cartwheels down lane 1?
Hit the pocket and hope for the best