If that were true I would have shot 900 last Monday!!! Went 268,218,228 with nothing more than a single pin spare the entire night. 2 game 1, 4 game 2, and 4 game 3. No tap is POINTLESS!!!
No it's not. There are plenty of people who enjoy bowling no tap, especially for short format, inexpensive tournaments.
I bowl in something calledl Match Club. It seems to be unique to Northern CA, Southern Oregon and Northern Nevada. About a 350 mile radius give or take of the Sacramento CA area. Most of the bowlers are older and the skill level is not very high. The majority of these "clubs" use what is known as a "Fun Day" to raise money for the operating expenses to keep the costs down for their members.
If a club has a regular handicap tournament(not no tap), then sure, you get a few people to come and support your tournament, but if you make it a no-tap, they come in droves because it's much more fun when these lower average bowlers have a real shot at being competitive against the higher skill level bowlers. Of course, the "Big Dogs" complain about amount of handicap and no-tap status of the event, but they come anyway, EVERY TIME.
No-Tap has a place in competitive bowling. And while I don't tend to do very well in them as I don't get handicap, I can see where it makes the sport much more enjoyable for a lot of people.
If you don't like No-Tap, then don't go, it's really a simple concept.