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Author Topic: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon  (Read 16906 times)


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Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:43:30 PM »
Not trying to be a pessimist, but 15 years ago in my area bowling was very popular, to an extent still is but some of the trends are very disturbing to me:

The formation of USBC - thought at the time it would be a good idea to merge ABC/WIBC. After 10 years of this since 2005, I do not see the benefit of merging the two bodies. All I see is increase in fees and for what?

The PBA, a sport 10 years ago was my favorite to watch on tv and attend in person is surviving on a thread. I used to record every show but now...who cares? It's not a real tour anymore, nothing is live except for a couple major events and most of the events are in one city then eventually may have it an another city. Kind of hard to take seriously when the events are not live and not having a tour for everyone to see.

Bowling alleys. What year in your area was the last time a bowling alley was built? Entertainment centers like Main Event or Lucky Strike do not count. These places don't usually have leagues. They cater everything from kids to upper class drinking adults. I counted all the bowling alleys in my area and I came up with 1988 was the last time a bowling alley was built, also every time a bowling alley has been closed down nothing has took it's place.

Also, Brunswick selling their company to Bolmore was probably the nail in the coffin. Brunswick was the best thing to happen to bowling in the 1980's putting alleys everywhere, AMF has always sucked then Bolmore did nothing to improve them not they practically have a monopoly on it. Let's not talk about what Bolmore did to my Brunswick bowling alley's bar.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 02:45:30 PM by BrianCRX90 »



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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #61 on: April 29, 2016, 06:03:01 PM »
Well the dues increase just passed...I bet membership really takes off now. Oh, wait, they have no control over the decline so I guess they have no control over growth. Either way, enjoy it boys, I'm out.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor

trash heap

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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #62 on: April 29, 2016, 06:10:34 PM »
But the USBC could help more:

Idea#1: Instead of the USBC charging people $300 for Bronze coaching course, how about reducing that price.

Also how about giving coaches free items, oh like...the Bowl Academy videos for free. All bowling information should be free for coaches. Why is the USBC charging coaches for information.

You have people willing to take up coaching learn and study under your organizations recommended courses and you charge them out the nose for it. The organization needs qualified people teaching this sport. Leaving this Sport up to Mom and Dad that bowl leagues is not enough.

Idea#2: USBC and BPAA should be working together to put an effort towards youth bowling. Make it affordable for kids to join leagues. Also work with local proshops and provide discounts to bowling balls and equipment for those specifically registered in sanction youth bowling.

Idea#3: Youth bowling again. Limit what type of ball can be used for youth bowling. Keep things affordable.

Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #63 on: April 29, 2016, 06:13:26 PM »
It's not the balls, the oil, lanes, the price if anyone whines about a dues increase I would ask why were not paying MORE.

The only problem with bowling is the Bowlers...that means myself and everyone else here
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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #64 on: April 29, 2016, 06:20:09 PM »
Gotta tell you I always thought of you as being a level headed guy by your past posts.
But to say because of a dues increase.....your out!  Simply did not fit your profile. 
Regardless I agree with Milo that we as individuals can stop the decline of bowling and turn it around, or we can continue to bitch which to me seems like a copout.  I for one have gotten a lot of folks who have never considered bowling as a regular weekly activity to come out and enjoy the sport.  I'm proud of these folks and I have enjoyed seeing them enjoying themselves in league play. 
So either do something positive for our sport, or simply (if I may) take your ball, go home, take up golf or some other sport, and and shut the hell up!


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2016, 06:47:03 PM »
Gotta tell you I always thought of you as being a level headed guy by your past posts.
But to say because of a dues increase.....your out!  Simply did not fit your profile. 
Regardless I agree with Milo that we as individuals can stop the decline of bowling and turn it around, or we can continue to bitch which to me seems like a copout.  I for one have gotten a lot of folks who have never considered bowling as a regular weekly activity to come out and enjoy the sport.  I'm proud of these folks and I have enjoyed seeing them enjoying themselves in league play. 
So either do something positive for our sport, or simply (if I may) take your ball, go home, take up golf or some other sport, and and shut the hell up!

Again, as a consumer I can only show my displeasure with the organization by voting with my wallet. I've said this many times, if someone would show me a plan and be accountable I'd pay $50 a year. But I refuse to blindly throw any more money at an organization that isn't transparent and frankly has been completely incompetent while our membership declined from 10 million to 1.7 million over the last decade. Ultimately this is about standing on principle and I just cannot support the USBC in its current form with its current leadership.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #66 on: April 29, 2016, 06:53:47 PM »
I don't personally agree, but I respect your personal position.


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #67 on: April 30, 2016, 12:04:29 PM »
There's quite a few young people bowling these days here. (relative speaking :P).
In the club I'm in there is no youth bowlers, but that's mostly because our club is all adults and no coach.
And the managers of the club aren't really trying to get more people into the club, they just expect people to find out about our club by themselfs instead of promoting the club.
I tell some people about the club sometimes when it seems they're interested, so far none of them have joined.

NM is currently going on in Norway. There's quite a few youth players in it.
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2016, 04:15:52 AM »
As a guy who bowled (as well as worked in bowling centers) for many years but currently can't due to a quirky work schedule (currently working and it is 5:10AM  ::)) One of the things that I think has helped with the decline is the refusal by bowling center owners to embrace short season leagues.  In a league that I bowled in in a midwest city when I lived there, we bowled 36 weeks.  When there was no mathematical chance of us winning and it was 75 degrees and sunny out, I didn't really want to be cooped up inside a bowling center.  Having leagues that go 8-10-12-16 weeks allow someone to get into the competitive side of it, without the long commitment.  Those with families/kids and their commitments make it harder to go 30+ weeks. 


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2016, 05:24:27 PM »
USBC has done little to promote bowling since its inception. If our area would choice to be unsanctioned we wouldn't be losing much. (the Live time award for one 300) Our area (Iowa) has seen a 50 percent lose in our house since 2008. It is a shame!


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2016, 06:48:43 PM »
This just keeps going and going.Here is the answer it already has. :'(


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2016, 08:32:52 PM »
I agree with mbd222.  I have talked and talked to the ownership of our two houses about offering a short 16-18 week leagues because so many people I know no longer want to commit to a 36 week season, so they quit instead.  The centers ownership keep trying to keep leagues going that will generate the most money in line fees + what folks spend while bowling.  yet, with the shrinking leagues/participants, their lack of understanding the problem is a short sided approach.  When they hardly have any 34-36 week leagues left, then they will get on the bandwagon to offer short seasons.  They just can't see beyond the dollars they have now, but will not have in the near future.  Sad!


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2016, 11:49:58 PM »
4 bowler teams with a 7 pm start and two 15 week seasons. Start later to accomadate the working bowler and done earlier for the family. All done by 10 so house can run open and glo bowling til midnight. A different recreation pattern every five weeks to keep it interesting. Declair two champions and have end of year all teams one and done rolloff. Weekly food and drink special to ring those tills. bowler happy house happy and usbc clueless. A positive post with a solution from a guy who don't want to have you on my lawn. Whatever the f that means.


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #73 on: May 10, 2016, 03:03:17 PM »
The key to bowling is growth. It has nothing to do with the USBC or leagues. Granted they are discussion issues after you get new people enjoying the sport, but how does the sport grow?  If it doesn't grow, it does.


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2016, 02:37:50 PM »
The key to bowling is growth. It has nothing to do with the USBC or leagues. Granted they are discussion issues after you get new people enjoying the sport, but how does the sport grow?  If it doesn't grow, it does.

By making leagues more enticing for people (short seasons, smaller teams, less of a time commitment) the sport will grow.  When people hear they are going to be at the lanes for 3 hours just to bowl 3 games, they will balk.  However, tell people they will be in and out in 2 hours (the length of a standard movie) it will be easier for people to commit to it.

Tens of millions of people bowl every year recreationally.  Those are the people you want to entice to come back more than once or twice a year and to make bowling a part of their life.  Getting them in to leagues is the best way to do that.  Making leagues that fit their schedule is the challenge.  99.9% of the population knows what bowling is, so "product awareness" isn't an issue.  Making these people regular customers is the issue.

The USBC needs a publicity campaign other than airing commercials during bowling broadcasts, putting free bowling games on Banquet frozen meals (eww!) or sponsoring one car in one Nascar race one time.  They should be buying strategic advertising space across multiple media platforms to keep bowling in the forefront to keep it in peoples' minds.  Otherwise, bowling falls into the category of "out of sight, out of mind" for most of the population.


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Re: Is bowling going to be R.I.P. soon
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2016, 02:58:58 PM »
The key to bowling is growth. It has nothing to do with the USBC or leagues. Granted they are discussion issues after you get new people enjoying the sport, but how does the sport grow?  If it doesn't grow, it does.

By making leagues more enticing for people (short seasons, smaller teams, less of a time commitment) the sport will grow.  When people hear they are going to be at the lanes for 3 hours just to bowl 3 games, they will balk.  However, tell people they will be in and out in 2 hours (the length of a standard movie) it will be easier for people to commit to it.

Tens of millions of people bowl every year recreationally.  Those are the people you want to entice to come back more than once or twice a year and to make bowling a part of their life.  Getting them in to leagues is the best way to do that.  Making leagues that fit their schedule is the challenge.  99.9% of the population knows what bowling is, so "product awareness" isn't an issue.  Making these people regular customers is the issue.

The USBC needs a publicity campaign other than airing commercials during bowling broadcasts, putting free bowling games on Banquet frozen meals (eww!) or sponsoring one car in one Nascar race one time.  They should be buying strategic advertising space across multiple media platforms to keep bowling in the forefront to keep it in peoples' minds.  Otherwise, bowling falls into the category of "out of sight, out of mind" for most of the population.

I think a lot of what you said makes sense.  However, I feel the "fixes" you propose are more inline with the BPAA than with USBC.

What most people are talking about is profitability of bowling.  Getting more members.  Having more leagues.  Getting the casual bowler to bowl competitively.  But shouldn't that fall on the proprietors?  USBC "should" exist whether there are 10,000,000 members or if there are 100. 

This doesn't mean USBC doesn't benefit from more members.  But there are no more physical benefits from USBC anymore (no awards).  So the return of investment for the bowler are those things that most bowlers may feel they don't need (rules, bonding, Team USA, education, etc...).  But in theory, these items cost the same no matter what.

USBC does try to generate interest in the "sport" of bowling, as they should.  They are active in improving the youth game. 

I know for my center, for the last several years, the leagues are being pinched more and more on lane availability.  Even if we had the membership to fill the house, the house will not do it.  They feel having half the house available for open bowling is more profitable than league bowling.  If centers can fill the house with open bowling all day, they would be stupid to house leagues and make less (in their eyes at least).