I really don't know if liquid dish soap is safe or not. I had two balls I soaked using dawn liquid in hot water and had BAD results.
My Original Inferno and my EPX T-1 both had problems with this. I used water of the proper temp and a small amount of liquid soap. Not all that much came out of the Inferno, but quite a bit came out of the EPX.
Both balls ended up with a very good look and "feel", but their performance was HORRIBLE. Neither ball wanted to read the lane condition, and NEITHER of them would react nearly as good as they did before the cleaning.
I don't think I will ever use the hot water method again. I have used dry heat and solvent type cleaner very successfully in the past ( Putting the ball in an enclosed vehicle during warm weather, covering it with a towel to avoid direct sunlight and using the cleaner to clean away the oil from the surface )
Don't know why it didn't work for me, it has obviously worked for MANY others, but I won't be doing it again.
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