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Author Topic: is dish soap safe  (Read 10070 times)



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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2008, 06:04:56 PM »


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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2008, 09:05:32 PM »
I use straight water. Found it is just easier not dealing with the suds sticking to the sides of the bucket, and also allows me to easier see how much oil is being removed and floating on the surface of the water.I just reach into the water and rub the ball to lift the oil before I drain it.

Also found no need to tape the holes. I have never even had a piece of tape come loose after a hot water bath.
But if you want to cover them, tape away.

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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2008, 10:29:29 PM »
When Columbia released the EPX T-1 they (Del Warren if I recall) recommended only using hot water to revive the ball (other than CPR that is) because they felt the dish soap created an emulsion with the lane oil that is more difficult to remove than just lane oil itself.

Since then I've steered away from using dish soap...
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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2008, 03:37:10 PM »
NO dish soap has a fatty base that can go into the poors of the ball!!

Never should use dish soap!
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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2008, 08:30:25 PM »
soak it for 20 min using only blue dawn dish saop and hot water!

Good to learn all of this.  All of this time I thought that Dawn was safe to use on bowling balls as it helped to remove grease.  Never knew it had fat and lanolin.


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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2008, 08:57:48 PM »
soak it for 20 min using only blue dawn dish saop and hot water!

Good to learn all of this.  All of this time I thought that Dawn was safe to use on bowling balls as it helped to remove grease.  Never knew it had fat and lanolin.

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Who said Dawn had lanolin in it? I didn't see that.
Inverted 1 said avoid those soaps that do.

Dish washing soaps are intended to break down fats and oils from food and cooking sources that cleans dishes and pots and pans. That was, I had supposed, the purpose for putting soap into the hot water while washing the ball: to break down the lane oil so it wouldn't be absorbed back into the ball.

I'd be surprised if soaps contain the fats that they're supposed to break down, but I'm no soap chemistry expert.
So, to all the dish soap experts who have spoken, do all dish washing liquids contain fat? if so, what kind and what is its purpose in a dish washing soap.

Thanks, if you have the answer..

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Edited on 6/22/2008 8:07 AM
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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2008, 08:19:00 PM »
soak it for 20 min using only blue dawn dish saop and hot water!

Good to learn all of this.  All of this time I thought that Dawn was safe to use on bowling balls as it helped to remove grease.  Never knew it had fat and lanolin.

I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
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Who said Dawn had lanolin in it? I didn't see that.
Inverted 1 said avoid those soaps that do.

Dish washing soaps are intended to break down fats and oils from food and cooking sources that cleans dishes and pots and pans. That was, I had supposed, the purpose for putting soap into the hot water while washing the ball: to break down the lane oil so it wouldn't be absorbed back into the ball.

I'd be surprised if soaps contain the fats that they're supposed to break down, but I'm no soap chemistry expert.
So, to all the dish soap experts who have spoken, do all dish washing liquids contain fat? if so, what kind and what's purpose in a dish washing soap.

Thanks, if you have the answer..

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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2008, 10:36:28 AM »
I know that soaking the ball using about a dime sized amount of dawn or joy dishwashing detergent works great. I usually soak my equipment twice a year. I am not too concerned with the soap brand name. It just so happens that the soap brands we use for washing dishes have been Joy or Dawn. I probably would use any other brand of soap if we had other. I just soak the ball for only 10 minutes washing the ball with a wash cloth for that 10 minutes and then dump out the water and repeat the steps one more time. After I finish the balls have always come out like new. Squeeky clean.



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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2008, 11:56:08 AM »
I really don't know if liquid dish soap is safe or not.  I had two balls I soaked using dawn liquid in hot water and had BAD results.

  My Original Inferno and my EPX T-1 both had problems with this.  I used water of the proper temp and a small amount of liquid soap.  Not all that much came out of the Inferno, but quite a bit came out of the EPX.

  Both balls ended up with a very good look and "feel", but their performance was HORRIBLE.  Neither ball wanted to read the lane condition, and NEITHER of them would react nearly as good as they did before the cleaning.

  I don't think I will ever use the hot water method again.  I have used dry heat and solvent type cleaner very successfully in the past ( Putting the ball in an enclosed vehicle during warm weather, covering it with a towel to avoid direct sunlight and using the cleaner to clean away the oil from the surface )

  Don't know why it didn't work for me, it has obviously worked for MANY others, but I won't be doing it again.
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Re: is dish soap safe
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2008, 12:23:26 PM »

By all means, use the way that works for you. Experiment all you want, but on your "precious" or valuable balls, use only what you know works. There are any number of reasons why something may not work. We've all gone through that: when there's a step somewhere in any process that's open to interpretation, we can interpret it in a way that was not intended. Sh*t happens there's no getting away from that.
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