I don't think the Gadget gives you any real 'advantage'. For many bowlers (not all), hard braces like the Gadget will give you a few more revs, but at the same time restrict versatility in release.
I use the Gadget at times due to previous wrist injuries. The surgery scar looks like a Sushi chef was testing out a new knife.

For a few years, the Gadget was the only device I tried that provided the support necessary to continue bowling. Using the Gadget, it was frustrating that I couldn't easily kill my release for spares. And on first ball shots, the ball came off my hand completely different. I took a lot of time and practice to feel comfortable with the necessary adjustments.
A lot of bowlers say they use hard braces to mitigate injuries, but in most cases, it's just an excuse that sells. Unless you've really messed your wrist up, a softer brace will provide you with more than enough support.
I'm not saying not to use a Gadget. Among the heavier braces, my personal opinion is that it's one of the best. I particularly like that the Gadget has a hinge at the wrist that allows you to dynamically cup forward. But if you go this route, understand what you're trying to accomplish. Again, too many bowlers think braces will provide magic. They don't. When it comes to bowling, there are no Unicorns and pixie dust.