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Author Topic: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something  (Read 1240 times)


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Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« on: August 18, 2004, 06:21:48 AM »
I have been around this sight for a while now and am noticing how loyal people are to one ball company. I understand if you are on their staff but most people are not. I myself use a Hammer, Dynothane and a Morich. With 2 others coming soon. I just haven't figured out which 2 reactive balls I want. Just something I've noticed.



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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 02:28:46 PM »

there are 2 sides to that story....and both can be argued all day

some prefer differnet companies for their arsenal, some prefer same companies...the better the 'same' companies bowlers stuff matches up with them the easier it is to maintain loyalty...

both types have good arguments for each.....

personally....I'm a Roto Grip I have other equipment ? YES! I have a Track and MoRich piece, and both are very good pieces that work in the right conditions (just like most)
I prefer Roto Grip because of their price to performance, it's a small company who keeps their offerings simple, they have great customer service, and I love the way they roll off "my" hand

Last season I tried numerous other mfg's to see if I may be missing something but nothing matched up "better" than my RG stuff, so I'm staying there....

And,..if I wasn't RG, I'd be a one ball company person,'s just me..I feel it' s better to choose complementary pieces for your arsenal that way....
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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 06:50:32 PM »
I personally enjoy Brunswick and Storm. The sig I have is just a joke, not meant to be taken seriously. I don't really believe in sticking with one specific company because you never know what is out there that might work for your specific game. The only other company I'd like to try is Hammer. But more and more I've been considering going with a Brunswick only arsenal perhaps with the ocassional Storm bowl here and there. My reasoning is that I feel Brunswick's equipment is very good at reading the lanes to give you an idea of what is out there. I was happy with the job the Monster SlayR did when the oil got lighter. I just revved it up and sent it from 20-25 out to the around the 7 board and would watch it rip right back to the pocket. The Inferno was dynamite and I am currently enjoying the Ultimate Inferno immensely. One more Brunswick purchase and I'll probably make my decision depending on the results with whatever it is. Classic Zone is looking good, but I will wait and see. Probably should get the X-Factor Re-Loaded plugged and re-drilled to fix my span on that ball. Eh whatever.
Somewhere in the far distant future Lane #1's slogan will be..."Lane #1, out-carrying Storm for over 50 years!"


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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 07:03:11 PM »
I have stuff from every brand no brand is more dominant than any other brand and all make complete lineups. I have over 130 balls presently hence my name but i like trying different drill patterns and releases, i have probably went through 300 balls in the last 4 years. If i had to pick one company it used to be Lane 1 and now there prices are just outrageous like a minimum of 180 for the new uranium. I would now pick Track to be making the best overall reacting balls for my game and will buy every release they make instead of wasting any more money towards lane 1 products. I believe from real use experience that i am pretty good at matching up balls to bowling styles now and i am starting to learn drilling and layouts from my driller. In fact he asks my advice about inventory certain balls and what i think of match ups for bowlers in unstocked balls that i currently own.


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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2004, 01:28:27 AM »
I guess I've had good luck in the past couple of years matching up with Storm equipment, but I've also had good luck with Brunswick, Ebonite, Hammer and Champions (defunct) in the past. Ever since being exposed to this site I pay more attention to other companies now and have plans to dabble in different offerings from other companies to see how these pieces may match up to the conditions I see and my game.



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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2004, 08:42:21 AM »
I am only a Ebonite guy, but that is what i first got when i was younger and i have stuck with it. But i am like that in all my things i purchase. Golf is taylor made for everything but putter and wedges i use Cleveland and only cleveland. And have a Ray cook putter. I drive only dodge (dakota and durango) and at work i only purchase HP desktops and Toshiba laptops. Dell servers. I am very set in my ways. cant help it. But i don't think the other equipment sucks i am just to chicken to change what works for me!
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2004, 11:48:14 AM »
A few years back, I was looking to finally update my equipment.  I went to my pro shop guy/coach to consult.  His first question was is there a ball you are especially happy with.  At that time it was my El Nino, it still would be if it hadn't had to be resurfaced to the point the logo is no longer present.  Any how, to the point, his recommendation was to look through the Storm line for the equipment.

His reasoning is that if a person has found a ball they especially like in a line, it is often easier to fill the gaps and keep the customer happy staying with that line.  

That was then, I personally have 2 Storm, 2 Lane 1, 2 Hammer, and 1 Ebonite balls drilled up that I use in league and tournament play.  The 2 Storm Balls are always in the bag, one is my spare ball.
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Re: Is it loyalty or am I not seeing something
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2004, 02:23:30 PM »
I have tried Brunswick, Columbia 300, Dynothane, Ebonite, Faball, Hammer, Lane #1, MoRich, Nu-Line, Revolution, Roto Grip, Storm, Track, Visionary. Me I have found Brunswick, Dyno-Thane, Ebonite, Hammer, Roto Grip work best. I have never thrown a bad ball from any of these companies, but I have liked some more than others.

I think it just depends on the persons lane conditions where they bowl and there style of bowling.
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