General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: baccala8872 on January 05, 2009, 10:53:15 PM
I hope this doesn't sound weird, but it seems like my original One has regained what it had lost.
Some time ago, I finally put my One to rest. It was a great ball while I used it, including achieving my highest series ever with it. I cleaned it faithfully, took care of the cover to the best of my ability, and cared for it regularly. It was the most predictably excellent piece in my rotation.
Then one day it just seemed to lose reaction. I couldn't have asked for much more, having bowled about 3-4 leagues per week for better than a season. It was nothing but 10-pin, 10-pin, 7-10.....the pins just didn't seem to fly around anymore. So I put it to rest after a final cleaning.
Then about 4 weeks ago after struggling mightily with carry in other leagues, I brought it out of the garage just to see, figuring how much worse could my carry be? 783 out of the gate. Ball pounded the pocket. Pins flew. The predictability was back. I know lane conditions change from week to week and season to season, etc. but I am sure that I am releasing the ball similarly, if not identically, to how I was when I put the One to bed.
So, is it possible for a ball to regain reaction in such a fashion? I don't know if the answer is technical, that's why I'm asking!
Thanks guys and hope to speak with you soon.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I''d just yell out letters. --DM
Could be one of a hundred different things, but I'm willing to bet it's ball speed. As one gets more and more confident with a ball, there is a tendency to speed up ever so slightly. Just a hair more speed and the next thing you know you're coming in just a hair light and leaving a 7 pin.
Then you put the ball up for a couple of months because you think it has lost something. When you pull it back out your confidence level in the ball isn't there because you think the ball may still have carry issues. Inevitably you'll throw the ball just a hair slower and you'll carry like there's no tomorrow.
220...221...whatever it takes.
Since the ball was oil soaked after the amount of bowling you mentioned, sitting int he garage could have had some of that oil seep out IF it was an unheated garage in a warm climate over the summer. But then you should have seen the oil pooled around the base of the ball, where it was sitting, or soaked into whatever the ball was sitting in.
Another possible explanation is that there was a slight change in the oil, like incomplete stripping by the oil machine or changes due to cold temperatures, making the ball just barely not able to make the turn. A slight increase in the amount of oil or a slight change in the oil pattern, IF you bowling in one house, can also do that.
With all the talk of rejuvenation after 50 - 100 games for ANY ball, have you done or gotten done some kind of rejuvenation treatment: pro shop Revivor oven, hot water bath at home, dishwasher treatment at home???
If not, why not?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
I would vote for a change in conditions.
Your other equipment had stopped working, that would suggest a change.
The One gave you a slightly different look that worked.
My original-issue The One "was nothing but 10-pin, 10-pin, 7-10.....the pins just didn't seem to fly around" 90% of the time even when brand new, so...
Since the ball was oil soaked after the amount of bowling you mentioned, sitting int he garage could have had some of that oil seep out IF it was an unheated garage in a warm climate over the summer. But then you should have seen the oil pooled around the base of the ball, where it was sitting, or soaked into whatever the ball was sitting in.
Another possible explanation is that there was a slight change in the oil, like incomplete stripping by the oil machine or changes due to cold temperatures, making the ball just barely not able to make the turn. A slight increase in the amount of oil or a slight change in the oil pattern, IF you bowling in one house, can also do that.
With all the talk of rejuvenation after 50 - 100 games for ANY ball, have you done or gotten done some kind of rejuvenation treatment: pro shop Revivor oven, hot water bath at home, dishwasher treatment at home???
If not, why not?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
I periodically did the hot water bath thing that I learned from my buds here at BR at regular intervals before I put it down. But I never had it at the pro shop for rejuvenation or revivor treatment(s).
Good point you brought up about the house(s). I was using it in the same 2 houses (occasional 3rd house) on what seemed to be similar conditions.
I will certainly not argue the psychological aspect of it. I am a big believer in the psychology of bowling.
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM
I've had this happen with two different balls. The first was a Storm X-It that I threw for many years(6+). I left it on a ball rack in my garage and when my Special Agent seemed to die last year I pulled the X-It out to give it a try. After a 2 year rest it it reacted close to new and hooked more than my dead Special. I cleaned the Special regularly, resurfaced it and had oil extraction done to it - still dead. Dead meaning it was a true medium oil ball and not medium-heavy+.
The second ball is that Special Agent. I let it sit for 6 months in the garage and pulled it back out in the last month. It seems to have regained most of it's reaction back. Not quite good as new but close enough.
Here's my thoughts on it. Maybe it was dry enough in the garage that the oil was pulled out of the ball and evaporated - leaving no oil trace. Or maybe the oil soaked deeper into the ball leaving almost fresh surface on the outside?
I told my pro shop guy about the X-It last year and he said he'd heard of balls that were rested getting their reaction back. He had no explanation of why, but said he'd heard enough stories of this happening to other people that he believed it's possible.
Edited on 1/6/2009 9:28 AM
Edited on 1/6/2009 12:52 PM
Stick it in the dishwasher. Too easy. If you ain't using it, there is no pain in trying. I stick my balls in the dishwasher and they come out new all the time. Just look at my Vertigo! I got before and after in my sig link. My Vertigo hits harder than 99% of the balls on the market and I ain't do nothing to the 2005 legend but clean it.

Current Arsenal Gallery (http://"")
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix
2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667
2006-07 League Champions, Southern Comfort Winner
2007-08 League Champions
2008-09 Three-Peat???, Courvoisier Winner
Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001
I guess it's possible, but I'm inclined to believe that the conditions you are throwing it on may have changed.
I know, I know, the bowling center says it hasn't changed the oil pattern for years, but that's only part of the equation. What about room temperature, humidity, the lane cleaner being more effective, the bowler being more effective, and so on... Maybe the stars were aligned just right for THAT BALL ON THAT NIGHT WITH THAT BOWLER.
I really don't think the stars had anyting to do with it, but anything and everything else could have - including what you ate for dinner or the pre-game meal. Just enjoy it for as long as it lasts. That's the trick.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
just when I thought things in the world were changing, there's the "notclay" we know, saying a whole lot of nothing
I guess it's possible, but I'm inclined to believe that the conditions you are throwing it on may have changed.
I know, I know, the bowling center says it hasn't changed the oil pattern for years, but that's only part of the equation. What about room temperature, humidity, the lane cleaner being more effective, the bowler being more effective, and so on... Maybe the stars were aligned just right for THAT BALL ON THAT NIGHT WITH THAT BOWLER.
I really don't think the stars had anyting to do with it, but anything and everything else could have - including what you ate for dinner or the pre-game meal. Just enjoy it for as long as it lasts. That's the trick.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
I guess it's possible, but I'm inclined to believe that the conditions you are throwing it on may have changed.
I know, I know, the bowling center says it hasn't changed the oil pattern for years, but that's only part of the equation. What about room temperature, humidity, the lane cleaner being more effective, the bowler being more effective, and so on... Maybe the stars were aligned just right for THAT BALL ON THAT NIGHT WITH THAT BOWLER.
I really don't think the stars had anyting to do with it, but anything and everything else could have - including what you ate for dinner or the pre-game meal. Just enjoy it for as long as it lasts. That's the trick.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Or the OP can grab some weights anywhere (gym, craigslist, etc.), load up 50-100lbs and do some wrist curls and then hammer curls. If you can turn 100lbs with your wrist, you best to believe that 15-16lbs ball ain't going to be nothing and you will see revs beyond your wildest dreams.
I guess it's possible, but I'm inclined to believe that the conditions you are throwing it on may have changed.
I know, I know, the bowling center says it hasn't changed the oil pattern for years, but that's only part of the equation. What about room temperature, humidity, the lane cleaner being more effective, the bowler being more effective, and so on... Maybe the stars were aligned just right for THAT BALL ON THAT NIGHT WITH THAT BOWLER.
I really don't think the stars had anyting to do with it, but anything and everything else could have - including what you ate for dinner or the pre-game meal. Just enjoy it for as long as it lasts. That's the trick.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Or the OP can grab some weights anywhere (gym, craigslist, etc.), load up 50-100lbs and do some wrist curls and then hammer curls. If you can turn 100lbs with your wrist, you best to believe that 15-16lbs ball ain't going to be nothing and you will see revs beyond your wildest dreams.
Agreed. That comes under the category of the bowler being more effective. Dang! I hate it when that happens because then I think I'm supposed to be able to do it all the time...
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
just when I thought things in the world were changing, there's the "notclay" we know, saying a whole lot of nothing
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
What have I got to do? Draw you a frickin' picture? Apparently Necromancer followed it okay. Too many dead brain cells floatin' around in your head maybe...
Disclaimer: "justdale" and I are friends. We have an agreement that he's an idiot and I know it.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
I may be an idiot in your mind ( which means absolutley nothing), but in the mind of my daughter I am the only one that matters. And that is what really matters
just when I thought things in the world were changing, there's the "notclay" we know, saying a whole lot of nothing
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
What have I got to do? Draw you a frickin' picture? Apparently Necromancer followed it okay. Too many dead brain cells floatin' around in your head maybe...
Disclaimer: "justdale" and I are friends. We have an agreement that he's an idiot and I know it.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
Your quote reminds me of what Lee Priest the bodybuilder who is my friend said one time:

I may be an idiot in your mind ( which means absolutley nothing), but in the mind of my daughter I am the only one that matters. And that is what really matters
just when I thought things in the world were changing, there's the "notclay" we know, saying a whole lot of nothing
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
What have I got to do? Draw you a frickin' picture? Apparently Necromancer followed it okay. Too many dead brain cells floatin' around in your head maybe...
Disclaimer: "justdale" and I are friends. We have an agreement that he's an idiot and I know it.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff
There's nothing to be magically "gained back" if nothing is lost is the first place.
It was nothing but 10-pin, 10-pin, 7-10.....the pins just didn't seem to fly around anymore.
That demonstrates nothing about the ball. As you say ...
I know lane conditions change from week to week and season to season, etc. but I am sure that I am releasing the ball similarly, if not identically, to how I was when I put the One to bed.
One release isn't going to work for every lane condition with one ball.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson - "Better than Jello" - Kill the back row
Edited on 1/6/2009 12:45 PM
I remember reading something about this a while back. I think it was on the Ebonite site under R&D - the site is different now and I can't find it.
It basically said something like this: the cover absorbs the oil, and the constant friction cause the plasticizers to migrate to the surface (in the track area).
After leaving the ball sit for a while, the oil and plasticizers have a chance to redistribute - sort of leaving you with a fresher coverstock to work with.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
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"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."
when I stop using a bowling ball for a considerable amount of time the next time I use it I find it more aggresive than the last time I used it, so i think it is possible