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Author Topic: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?  (Read 3246 times)

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:43:02 PM »
Alright, well all i can say is that a bowling game is starting production. I want ideas.. any ideas would be great? ex. features that would be cool, etc. Give me your ideas for the perfect bowling game..

ok well thanks..

This is going to be an online game.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Edited on 6/24/2004 10:39 AM



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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2004, 08:02:52 PM »
I like that idea, but I dont think it will fly. Some people might say its too technical, or too advanced for them, but i say heck with them give a good instruction manuel and if they still can't figure out thats their loss. But thats just my .02

You could make it quite technical.


State your RPM rate.  Choose from 100-500.
State your Speed.  Choose from 12-23(or what your prefer)
State your style.  Stroker, Tweener, Cranker.


and then on to the next.

Im just trying to be nice around here.


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Re: Ideas for Online Bowling Game.. ?
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2004, 10:04:03 PM »
I'm going to bump this, because I think it's an interesting thread.

A few ideas on my part.

Make your own bowler, including different styles, rev rates, and speed to choose from, along with what he would wear, and possibly different bowling bags.

Give a limit on how many balls you can carry (such as 4 or 6 or something), then make generic balls sort of similiar to what's out today.  Or you could not place a limit on how many balls, but you could make it so they would have to be purchased, through gaining money from tournaments you win and such.

Online play would be a nice touch.

If you pull this off nicely, I'd be willing to slap down a good load of money for it.  The more technical the better with a big instruction booklet.  The only people who would buy a bowling game really would be those who should already understand the technical parts of the game.

Keep us updated, and good luck.