I agree with Doug, it's definitely a combination of things.
Regarding Mike Durbin's comments on Amleto, I fully agree, even in this age of more powerful athletes. That bent elbow, yo-yo type release may impart additional revs for those, it wreaks havoc on the body. Have you seen Amleto this year with the bicep injury??? You don't see Walter Ray with that type of injury. WRWJ doesn't have the "ideal" approach either, but he is obviously not destroying his body.
There are ways that the modern athlete gain leverage and increased revs, but it definitely doesn't need to be that bent elbow, snap release. Look at Michael Fagan. He looks totally effortless.
Another game I am really liking is Bill O'Neill. He gets 400-450 revs and he is stable without looking like he's ripping on the ball.
Look, I grew up when Amleto and the others where our heroes. I developed bad habits in the 80s from this, which I eventually got out of with some coaching and watching myself on video.
Modern-day athletes are stronger today, but there's definitely some help on a THS. The equipment also now helps those who are not the physical specimen or 20 years old.
To the original point of the post regarding equipment, I honestly don't think it's a bad thing. The sport evolves, just like any other. The bar simply has to be reset. Maybe 200 is not par anymore, but 220 is...
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