It seems that the word is getting out. Scratch bowling tournaments as we knew them in the northwest are dying. Seems as though they are at least terminally ill.
The home of the greats - Dave Husted, Hugh Miller, Chris Warren, Ernie Schlegel - is suffering for lack of participation.
The Portland Master tournament, open to anyone in the Northwest, was "postponed" this past weekend due to lack of entries.
The regional program here has had 6 events (not counting a member-non member doubles), and 2 senior events. The regular events average 44 entries. The senior events have had 16 entries in one, 17 in another.
The PWBA regional program died here a year before it died every where else.
The "replacement" Ladies Classic Tour doesn't seem to even be interested in holding events here.
"My" women's tournament group, NWWCBA ( has averaged 17 entries per tournament for the past 2 years.
What's it like in your area?
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz