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Author Topic: what people really tick you off?  (Read 2518 times)


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what people really tick you off?
« on: August 15, 2009, 12:05:28 AM »
when you go to a bowling center to bowl league which people there really make you wanna drop your bowling ball on their head in them and why?



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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2009, 07:55:22 PM »

I agree with you on the statement about some people having the ability to coach a lot better than bowl. We have a coach that comes in on Saturday morning to work with the youth. He averages about 190-200 in the two years he has been here. I have got to know this individual really well and have even invited him to poker nights at the house. He has excellent knowledge of the game and on paper I out average him by about 20+ pins. I owe him a lot in how my game has come along in the past six months.

As far as to answer the thread..I've bowled in my fair share of 'serious' leagues and tournaments. The tournaments I can understand and I give 2 lane courtesy in those instances. When it comes to league however, even if it is a 'serious' league, 1 lane works for me just fine. Everybody is different though...

God Bless!

--Michael Price--

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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2009, 12:50:21 AM »
This could be in practice too.  The guy who thinks they can coach you or tell you how to bowl just because they see something you're doing.  I don't know about anyone else, but unless you're my coach, we're friends, or I ask, I'd rather sink or swim on my own.


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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2009, 01:43:21 AM »
People who dont want to have fun...


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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2009, 03:01:17 AM »
The people that can't seem to keep their temper under control when they get two splits in a game.  When this happens, anything is at risk... all the balls on the rack, the ball return, the seats, and the keypads.  Kinda goes hand in hand with JessN16's 1st rule.
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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2009, 11:39:57 AM »
people who deliberately make noises because they think its funny. one guy at a league i bowl in who makes obviously fake sneezing noises and grins about it when people look at him, the traditional "achu" noise.


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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2009, 12:16:23 PM »
People who bring their kids to league and think its cute when a two year old runs up on the approach when someone is trying to bowl. Oh and the person who tries to mess someone up when they have a chance beat their high game.


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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2009, 12:41:15 PM »
Parents telling their kids not to listen to me during youth leagues,because they don't  agree with my
coaching methods.Also ,the parents that will not respect my rules regarding no family or friends
 being on the approaches helping their kids during league.The parents that are out there averaging
230+ ,telling me and my coaching staff that they are better than we are ,and they should be running the leagues.Then you see these people bowl ,and you understand why their kids have bad attitudes.Stay  
after bowling and talk to me,not in front of the kids.This can lead to the kids losing some respect for the
coaches when parents are trying to usurp your authority.


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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2009, 01:00:39 PM »
Group: Users
         Posted: 8/15/2009 10:37 AM    
When I am coaching youth bowlers, I really hate the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look when answering their questions.

If you can't understand the answer, quit asking the same question.
There is more to bowling than just knocking down pins.                        If u were o good coach u would have patience and answer the question in a different way the kid might understand,, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.. you obviously do not have the temperment to be working with children


A coach (teacher) is defined by well or poorly his/her students grasp the instructions given.

If a student learns well, then the coach (teacher) has been qualified as competent.

If the student can't grasp his coach's (teacher's) instructions, it is the fault of the coach (teacher) for not being clear in as simple a manner as possible when explaining fundamental directions and precepts.

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Re: what people really tick you off?
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2009, 01:46:05 PM »
When I am coaching youth bowlers, I really hate the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look when answering their questions.

If you can't understand the answer, quit asking the same question.
There is more to bowling than just knocking down pins.

LOL that's a very common look in the Prep's devision when they ask a question and get an answer they aren't quite sure about then sorta panick. The joy's of that start in 4 weeks for me all over again as the youth league my dad runs starts on Sept. 12th.
Mike Zadler
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