I have 3 lanes I cant or have bad luck.
(aka a curse or lane phobia about these.)
Its lane #15,why,even up til today I dont
think they ever fixed the loose boards.
When I bowled on these a while back,between the 3 and 7 boards,
my ball would do a MINI "Dukes of Hazard",not good!
A baby aerial!
Yayayaya,jump off a teeny ramp,ya know,thuda thuda,thumpa!!
(aka annoying ta watch ball act funny on bad lane!)
Ok,I haven't bowled on it in over 4 months,but,
I try not to get it if I dont have to.

Yeesh!I dont remember or never really asked the peeps
who work there if it ever got fixed.

Also lanes #29 and #30 ,because there is a HUGE
HUGE SCREEN thats right in the middle
of both lanes and It throws me off cause I miss my mark
by looking at the screen,wheter a video is on or not.
Heck!Its a visual nightmare only when I bowl only,I always
try to avoid THAT pair,LOLALMAOTTFFRRL!!!
That particular curse,could be a challenge,almost like
a distraction Sport Shot,eh?

As for those curses,thats only on Cosmic,when its regular
that screen goes UP,and I can bowl on 29/30.
Nuff typed!