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Author Topic: Is there a certain set of lanes in your house that you just don’t score well on?  (Read 1705 times)


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For me it’s lanes 1 & 2. Seems wherever the lane-man oils the lanes from 1 – 16 I just can’t bowl well on 1 & 2. When he starts the machine on 16 and goes to 1 I do fairly well.

Last night was the second worst night of the season for me. I’m currently carrying 208 in four leagues and during this past week I have been averaging 225. Last night we had three lefties on this pair and none of us scored. I think the high game was 210 or so.

I absolutely tried everything I knew. You name it, I tried it. Nothing. Lane 1 was the worst of the two. Granted I‘m probably just your typical THS bowler but if that was the case I should to be able to adjust. I think now it is more mental than physical.

I think it is the machine. There must be a buildup of oil on the pads and when the lane-man starts on 1 that is where most of the oil is. Then again who knows?

So I ask again, if you have this probably how do you overcome it?

(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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At my main seems the lower end of the house on our league night doesn't score as well as the higher end.  I think it has to do with the amount of potential open play that can occur before league...they mostly get stuck down the low to mid part of the house as that's where the control desk is.

The other house in my's 39/40.  It's a 40 lane split house and I swear this pare slopes to the right.  Maybe the lane doesnt'...but the approach does and that can't be a good sign!  Always seem to struggle a bit on that pair...more so than any other.

Edited on 4/9/2004 8:03 AM


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1-26 (all of them).

Just the staffs retardation. They don't sweep or strip the lanes before oiling them, nor do they check the machine. Meaning every lane is inconsistent and crap. There is one guy here who really knows what he is doing, he ssweeps n strips but he doesn't get to do the lanes much (when he does we really notice, we got him a promotion so hopefully he can give all the others a kick up the ass). The reaction can be really random.
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Edited on 4/9/2004 11:08 AM


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I know that in the days of oil machines with the buffer bar that you could see some very real differences in the first pair run IF the operator did not cycle the buffer bar through a pass before running the lanes.  You had to get that bar saturated enough to do its job, otherwise you had a real dry/wet pair.

It is possible that the new pad machines ought to be cycled somehow, but I have never worked with them and cannot say if that would be a factor in what people notice on the first pair run.


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How about every pair SLUMP hopefully I can break the video camera out this summer.


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1/2 and 31/32 - the end pairs are always different, but that's to be expected since they are on the ouside walls.  The real strange pair that no one like is 9/10.  9 is always tighter than 10 and it doesn't matter whether you are on a fresh shot or second shift, they are different.  On top of that, 9 has a slight depression in the track area somwhere around 35-40 feet (RH side), that can really cause problems.  I've had some great nights (700+) on the pair, but more often than not, if you break 600 on the pair, it's been a good night.


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1-2 and 5-6....
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We have a pair that people claim Pagan rituals have been practiced under it from time to time.  Witchcraft etc.  I had problems one year on them but punched up a ball to combat the condition, it's still a little spooky.  

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Smash - was it a Voodoo? or a Hex???

Sorry - couldn't resist.
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I don't do well on 43-44 due to a support beam being right at the arrows.  It's in my line of sight and I hate it!
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Bowling Humor LOL  made my day

Actually my first attempt at the pair was wicked!

Bowler's Slide Sock:  Reduces or eliminates problems with Slick OR Tacky approaches.
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I have 3 lanes I cant or have bad luck.
(aka a curse or lane phobia about these.)

Its lane #15,why,even up til today I dont
think they ever fixed the loose boards.

When I bowled on these a while back,between the 3 and 7 boards,
my ball would do a MINI "Dukes of Hazard",not good!
A baby aerial!

Yayayaya,jump off a teeny ramp,ya know,thuda thuda,thumpa!!
(aka annoying ta watch ball act funny on bad lane!)

Ok,I haven't bowled on it in over 4 months,but,
I try not to get it if I dont have to.

Yeesh!I dont remember or never really asked the peeps
who work there if it ever got fixed.

Also lanes #29 and #30 ,because there is a HUGE
HUGE SCREEN thats right in the middle
of both lanes and It throws me off cause I miss my mark
by looking at the screen,wheter a video is on or not.
Heck!Its a visual nightmare only when I bowl only,I always
try to avoid THAT pair,LOLALMAOTTFFRRL!!!

That particular curse,could be a challenge,almost like
a distraction Sport Shot,eh?

As for those curses,thats only on Cosmic,when its regular
that screen goes UP,and I can bowl on 29/30.

Nuff typed!



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I bowl primarily in an 8-lane house, and people complain the most about the end pairs, 1-2(against an inside wall), and 7-8(against an outside wall), with a door(rarely used) right off of the approach. Admittedly, 1 usually plays a board or two dryer than 2, and 8 usually plays 3 or 4 boards dryer than 7. Despite all this complaining, every year some of the best scores of the year come off of those pairs. The only pair that doesn't get many good scores is 5-6, primarily(I think) because 6 puts the head pin off-spot once in a while, sometimes to the side , ususally front to back so you can't really tell it's off. That one lane does leave some strange results on pocket hits sometimes.


Edited on 4/9/2004 2:09 PM


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yup...every pair.
Getting all the pins I can.
comming soon:
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I never even though about it but looking at my stata there are a few bad lanes for me.

I plan on bowling in the same enter next year so it will really be interesting.

32 lanes house. 32 teams oiled before league. My avg 201.

Lane 1-2: 9 games for  184 avg.
lane 5-6: 6 games for  183 Avg
lane 29-30: 3 games for  183 Avg
lane 31-32: 6 games for  183 Avg

Higest avg pairs:
9-10: 6 games = 221 avg.

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny