Has anyone successfully made money over a long timeframe from this jackpot? I am bowling in a fun league on Mondays now that only has this for a skill jackpot. Its a mixed non-sanctioned league so there aren't enough decent bowlers to get a handicap or over average jackpot up and running, let alone a scratch jackpot.
My question is that since the beginning of this season I have only won 3 times total. I am a solid 200-215 average across all of my leagues, 210 at that house. It seems that whoever invented that jackpot (Brunswick) did alot of research into the amount of strikes and when to throw them because from what I've seen my friend (another solid mid 200 average) and I have donated when you look at how much we have put into Keglers to date.
Is anyone making decent money from Keglers?
Edited on 1/18/2005 4:45 PM