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Author Topic: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?  (Read 25046 times)


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is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:20:03 PM »
Was bowling Wednesday night, threw the ball extremely well finished with a 738 set.  With that said i left 5 nine pins on lane 18.  Those were my only misses on that lane all night.  I tried making small adjustments with moving a little forwards or backwards on the approach and small left and right adjustments with my feet but nothing stayed effective for me.  Is there a quality adjustment to make, this isn't my first night struggling with this dang pin.
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2013, 01:37:17 PM »
Are you right handed?
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2013, 01:38:20 PM »
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2013, 02:19:21 PM »
 If you throw the ball correctly, it is supposed to hit only four pins, the 1, 3, 5, and 9 pins on its way through the pindeck. Leaving the solid nine pin means that you are not.

 If you turn the ball pretty hard, you will eventually leave a solid nine pin. However, if you are leaving more than just a few, your ball is not acting correctly while going through the pins.

 If your ball never fully reaches the roll phase (still in the hook phase when it enters the pocket and hooking past the nine), or goes too long and finishes with too sharp an entry angle (Going so sharply sideways that it goes rolling in front of the nine pin and into the eight pin), you can leave the solid nine pin.

 ALSO, if your shot is "high" on the head pin, the ball can do what I refer to as "jerk" set, leaving either the solid nine pin or the four-nine split. This is a couple of things happening at the same time. Usually a high shot AND a strong finishing shot at the same time.

 Now, is there an adjustment for it? Yes, but you need to be able to diagnose which reason it is, because the resolution is different for each reason.

 Best advice I can give without seeing it is this: Watch the ball and see where it is going off the pindeck, and what direction it is going when it does exit.

 Sideways motion off the deck often means you have hooked it past the nine pin (I.E. ball never fully getting into the roll phase with poor or little deflection), while backwards motion over the eight pin often means that you have rolled it past the nine (I.E. sharp transition with too much entry angle with too late deflection).
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2013, 02:38:51 PM »
Was bowling Wednesday night, threw the ball extremely well finished with a 738 set.  With that said i left 5 nine pins on lane 18.  Those were my only misses on that lane all night.  I tried making small adjustments with moving a little forwards or backwards on the approach and small left and right adjustments with my feet but nothing stayed effective for me.  Is there a quality adjustment to make, this isn't my first night struggling with this dang pin.

Since you really cant make any surface adjustments during league, you could try to get up the back of the ball just a tad more and not so much around the ball.  Take away some of the axis rotation.  Getting up the back of the ball will get the ball into the 3 different phases quicker and thus take away some of the angularity on the backend that leads to those 9 pins.  Next time you go out and practice, try releasing the ball more from the back of it as opposed to "getting around it".  Even with a shiny surface, the ball will want to roll more and skid/flip less.
Steven Vance
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 03:13:14 PM »
All on one lane. Any chance you had bad racks? Maybe 9 pin slightly right.

Otherwise, Twohand and Juggernaut have good advice.


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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 04:23:31 PM »
I had been thinking that your ball just had too much backend no matter where you were standing. That's usually a combination of your delivery, drilling/basic ball design and the lane oil pattern.

So there's any number of solutions from TwoHand's using smaller angle of rotation to Jugg's ball-not-getting-into-the roll-phase to adding a little surface to the current one, maybe just hazing it lightly to using another ball. Possibly even a combination of 2 or more of these could account for all the 9 pins.

The ball should be hitting the 9 pin, no matter what.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 04:25:33 PM by charlest »
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2013, 06:27:10 PM »
TThey weren't high pocket shots they were my ball waving hello as it passed the 9 lol.  There was no indication after watching the shots of anything but the ball pushing through the pocket hard and not touching it.  I should have left 2 more that messengers were able to save me.  What hurt was each one was killing a string of strikes, one was the 9th frame of the second game and first ball in the 10 TN frame of the last game.  It was just hard to feel good about the night even though I finished with a solid 700 series.  Still on the hunt for my first 8 and I had a couple long over due practice sessions that went very well before that night and I was really putting it all together.

I left out its the first pair of the lower end of the house and probably the worst pair of both ends.  We bowled this pair a month ago and the 3 pin was sitting back a half inch and had to suffer.  It looked to have been fixed so I don't think bad racks were an issue. 

I appreciate the insight though guys
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2013, 09:17:18 PM »
Take up Canadian 5 Pin... you'll never leave another 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 pin again!  8)


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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2013, 10:01:11 PM »
I can feel your pain.  I recently felt I lost advancing at the state level to an AMF bowl for $50K in Vegas after I went 13 frames with out a strike leaving mostly  8 pins, 6 pins and 8-6s!

I switched to a smoother rolling less angular Loaded Revolver and finished 8 of the last 9!

Ah the cash left on the table!


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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2013, 06:07:19 PM »
Two weeks ago while bowling on a pair, two male bowlers left consecutive 9-pins on the lefthand lane. At the time I was like...."WOW! What a coincidence!" Until my team switched to that lane,and me and my anchor bowler did the exact same thing!!!

What are the odds?
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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2013, 03:21:46 PM »

If you are leaving 9 pins, you might want to throw a straight ball because 1 pin per ball is just anemic.

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Re: is there an effective adjustment for leaving 9 pins?
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2013, 05:02:59 PM »
Two weeks ago while bowling on a pair, two male bowlers left consecutive 9-pins on the lefthand lane. At the time I was like...."WOW! What a coincidence!" Until my team switched to that lane,and me and my anchor bowler did the exact same thing!!!

Pin setter miss spotting pins

What are the odds?