Well the first session is complete and all went well. I actually went in there with low expectations of my game and was waiting for this guy to tear me apart!! That didnt happen though. He was pleased and impressed with my vast knowledge of all the aspects of the game (thanks to you guys!!)!! I even plugged this website with him a few times and told him about all the info I get from some of the great people on here.
Anyhow, the first thing he picked up on is my bad habit of leaning over a bit at the line. He started talking about my lack of knee bend being the reason I bend over. So, he had me try to keep my upper body more erect and perpendicular to the floor while getting a good knee bend. Its not difficult to break old habits. I didnt nail every shot after that, but the ones I did throw that were the way he told me were such great, consistent shots.
Next was my pushaway. He says that I push the ball out to far in front of me before letting it get into a swing, thus causing more muscle involved in my armswing. He is going to try to help me develop more of a "free falling" armswing. The few shots I threw like this actually helped me increase ball speed and revs. He also had me get my knee bend started when I was standing on the approach and bring the ball in closer to my body. I think I learned alot today and know that this is only the beginning.
On a side note, I realized a couple of things: My legs arent strong enough to support my body weight causing me to fall off my shots and prevent the deeper knee bend that I need to have. So, tonight I started a high rep, mediocre weight training program to first strengthen the existing muscle and then develop larger ones. Also, tomorrow is video taping day so hopefully I will be able to finally show my face and game to all of you on here. Thanks for wishing me luck and again will keep all posted with progress!!
"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....
I consistently SUCK!!"