Hey Author,
It depended on the pin and cg placement on sym balls. For the higher inverted track, when I tried to drill for length/control, it did clip and the ball would stabilize at the backend. I was able to bring his track down from the fingers with a stack-lev drill(3 3/8), it started the ball flaring sooner so it came off the fingers. I talked to Omegabowler about this and he had the same results. Oh, same problem when placing some of the stronger mb balls with mb in track(left of thumb). This caused the ball to roll over the fingers as well.
Brickguy, from personal experience, I can throw an inverted track when I try and hit thru the ball vs around it. From what I've seen, all the inverted releases are coming from the guys whose wrists are cupped or very firm at the point of release and hitting thru it. My hand actually comes back and makes a slight clockwise rotation thru the ball vs counter clockwise like I do for my regular 3/4 roll. Throwing inverted caused too much index finger pain for me, probably due to the fact that my wrist was not as strong as needed.
I haven't seen a pap that's up yet either like Scotts33, all my guys are slightly down on the vertical. Some of the older texts even call this release a "cranker" release, maybe cause it takes a fair amount of wrist to throw it.
Edited on 8/18/2004 2:46 PM