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Author Topic: Is there one in every league?  (Read 1464 times)


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Is there one in every league?
« on: September 04, 2004, 02:38:18 PM »
I'm referring to a bowler who extends courtesy 3+ lanes (in either direction).  I'm bowling in a league this winter after a lengthy layoff and have already come across (in practice) a bowler (who's in the same league) that waits til no end before he bowls.

What do you say or do to someone with this annoying habit?  (In a nice way)

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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2004, 10:42:54 PM »
Tell them to go.  If their mental game is THAT bad that they need three lanes, tell them they really shouldn't be in a league.  They should realize, no matter what they do, SOMEONE will be bowling, and there will always be loud sounds around them.


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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2004, 10:44:17 PM »
I wouldn't say anything, but I would try to time it in such a way that I don't come up to bowl at the same time as that particular person.  I give 2-lane courtesy in both directions because most of my league practices that.  I would not give this person 3-lane courtesy.  Let him or her wait if he/she thinks I'm a distraction.

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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2004, 10:46:14 PM »
ya in leagues they are pretty bad and i know of 2 guys in particular, but have you ever been open bowling and have this happen? it is the most annoying thing when you feel like an jerk just because you dont give 2 lane curtesy while practicing. And when you go to tournaments, its ludicrous how many lanes some people want. I've seen people wait for 4 lane courtesy or no one within sight to bowl.


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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2004, 10:55:52 PM »
2 lane courtesy is one thing...we have a rule in our scratch league for that, but you shouldn't need more than that.  I know that in PBA tournaments you have to allow a pairs courtesy to each side, but you should not need 3 or 4 much of a person that far down can you actually see?


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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2004, 12:34:31 AM »
Our league has a one lane courtesy rule. There are several bowlers who take more. As far as I'm concerned, they have to find it. Unless it's gonna mess with MY concentration, I don't give more than the league rules state.
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why do they keep score?
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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2004, 08:00:29 AM »
unless there are provisions in the rules of the league/tournament for more than 1 lane courtesy, all they will get from me is 1 lane. I don't care how big they are or how bad they think they are or how much they yell, that's all they will get. as a matter of fact, if they want to push the situation, I will try to time my turn to bowl so that I am there ready to extend 1 lane of courtesy to them every time they get up to bowl. maybe if they don't like it they can take a blind score for the rest of the night and go home.


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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2004, 08:38:20 AM »
A couple of quick ones...Guy bowling in my 10 team mixed league had the front 7 and was on lanes 13 & 14. He asked a guy to tell his kids who were om 3 & 4 to wait till he was done!!!. #2. Same guy bowling on the pair to my right, saw me miss the 6,9,10. I just barely touched the 10 on the way by, knocking it over. After the frame I am sitting by the bar and I hear my teammate ask him what he is doing. GET THIS!!  He is at our scoring table changing MY score to a 7 miss from a 7 - 1!!!!!! He's not even bowling against us!!!!!. He comes and asks me if I hit the 10 pin and I tell him yes. He goes to the other team and asks them if they saw it!!!!!! Nice guy huh????
If the lane conditions are the reason for your bad scores for your bad scores, then they are also the reason for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!


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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2004, 08:52:47 AM »
Vernon: How many lanes are used in your league? What is this bowler's average? And how much longer does it take the team he bowls on to finish up? A great bowler if he/she has a solid game only needs one lane on either side to execute. We aren't talking a PBA tour league, this is a regular league.

I don't know if I would be so nice to that person as it really can add an extra 20 minutes to a half hour for the night if you are bowling against that team. I'd probably give them a sarcastic remark that real bowlers only need 1 lane courtesy on each side to score well and leave it at that...



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Re: Is there one in every league?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2004, 10:42:15 AM »
Iwould say, "How did you do in your last regional?"


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