just me venting but i think a larger scale shot clock should be imposed. by that i mean you need to be at your pair when it is your turn. you get one or two freebies a week and then your frame is voided. my summer league people wander around like they are searching the desert for water. multiple lane pot & poker games, people getting food, drinks & smoking, and the guys who run the pot games getting all the scores. i am not a good bowler but i am there to learn and get better. not to eat chicken wings. then to top it off my lead bowler waited till everyone 16 lanes in each direction had finished their frame. i was often ready to launch my foot up into a non-sun-seeing area of her body.
beauty is transitory, but it takes vision. the world's a playground, have fun. for those who think young....
Edited on 9/5/2004 10:57 AM