i gotcha, see i tried that approach for what seemed like years. What i found was the more i told myself to not pull the ball, not be nervous, the more i did it. I guess im not programmed that way lol. Like i said everybody is different, i wish i could have done it that way, it would have saved me alot of time.
So i had to learn to train my mind to focus on 1-2 things at the most and not let my mind wonder. First couple of times i went for 300, i was nervous, but i was more focused on what i didnt want to do-pull the ball, make a bad shot, etc., that i ended up making one anyway. So when i learned key words, actually what it does is let your mind and physical game take over. Basically, after i learned this the nerves went away honestly, some of the best shots ive thrown, including a double in the 10th to win my first scratch tournament, i dont even remember throwing. So i guess we arrived at the same place so to speak, just through different paths lol.
Taking your lunch money, one strike at a time....