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Author Topic: Is this a 300?  (Read 12601 times)


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Is this a 300?
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:11:41 PM »
Fellow bowler hit the first 10, fouled the last 2 while striking ( I'm talking about 6-10 inches beyond foul line).  Buzzer did not go off, lane manager forgot to turn it on............

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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2013, 10:23:36 PM »
Holy crap!  Plain out and out cheating!  Epitome of dishonesty and poor sportsmanship.  I am deadly serious when I say that anybody who took part in this charade should have their USBC memberships yanked.  That includes the gutless ones who saw him foul and didn't say a word. 

30+ years of bowling without a 300?  Make that 31+.  What a bunch of tools.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2013, 07:46:28 AM »
Holy crap!  Plain out and out cheating!  Epitome of dishonesty and poor sportsmanship.  I am deadly serious when I say that anybody who took part in this charade should have their USBC memberships yanked.  That includes the gutless ones who saw him foul and didn't say a word. 

30+ years of bowling without a 300?  Make that 31+.  What a bunch of tools.

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2013, 09:23:37 AM »
If this guy was in my Wednesday night league and did this, I gaurantee you this 1 guy would have brought the player in the wrong out in the open with no hesitation. The league is or was a just for fun Goodfellowship league but EVERY TIME there's a rule infraction he pulls out the rule book and then enforces it.

A month ago one of my team mates who averages 135-145 (been bowling for the last 40 years with no improvement). Uses an old Teal Rhino Pro ball and the inserts in it are so old the rubber turned to a super hard brittle material and the glue let go. So he used super glue and 4 pieces of duct tape to hold it in. There was about a quarter inch of tape on the ring finger hole on the ball.

Do you think a 140 average bowler who doesn't care about the rules is going to be any threat that throws the ball at 12 mph with no hook on the ball what-so-ever?? Dude can't even hit the same area from 1 shot to the next!

Yet this 1 rule book junkie decides to break out the book and recite the rule like it's some kind of religious sermon! I see him pulling out this book every single week trying to get every team he bowls on some kind of BS.

Anyway, this double foul should have been called out on the 1st offense. If I personally saw this happen I would have said something to him or his team. I don't care if it's his 1st or his millionth. I've been called for a foul on my 11th shot by well this rule bookkeeper. Just happened to have several others jump in to agree....

Milke I understand this guy being annoying and the circumstance you describe seems to non issue, however, what rules do you enforce and what rules do you let go? I have seen scenarios just like you described happen in leagues I have been in. Leagues can get divided real quick and members drop out. When someone is violation of the rules, no matter how dumb or ridiculous you think it is...tts the USBC governing rules. If you are in a sanction league, you must play by the USBC rules and regulations.

Example: I was a sub on the third or fourth week (it was early in year) in a league (subbed in this league for couple years before). 3rd Game between the teams. Member of the opposite team fouled on her last ball. It was a strike that would have given her team the victory. She throws real fast and was always off balance on her shot. On that shot her foot stepped up on the divide between the lanes and was beyond the foul line. Somehow the foul light picked it up. Automatic score gives her the "F".

Well an argument ensued with the bowling center's front desk. Her team wanted the strike. The league president comes down. I stuck my neck out (apparently I was the only witness), I went up on the approach and put my foot where her's ended up. Well that was the last time I got a call to sub in that league. Apparently me pointing out the truth was none of my business.

Most league's today only think of USBC rule book as "semi" guidelines. When rules come into play and goes against a team, anger kicks in. People start yelling at each other. Instead of "I might not agree with it, but that is the rule."

Talkin' Trash!

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2013, 11:09:09 AM »
I'm a little late to the game on this, but having read it & giving some thought, I have to question it... So what is the real intention of posting this thread...?  Is this a "confession" thread?  A thread you intend to show the "300" performer?  Trying to right the wrong?  Just trying to figure the purpose for a thread like this... especially after you admittedly witnessed the infractions & ensuing celebration.  I don't get why, I guess.

I think once you folks let the fouls go, then that is when you all decided it's a 300.  You can't go talking & backtracking now... It sounds a little like sour grapes.  The ole line "or forever your hold your peace" seems to apply...  The time to stand up was the time of the 1st infraction, let alone 2nd.  The 2nd one you all should have said, okay wait a minute.. 1 slide? But 2? 

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2013, 12:16:46 PM »
I would contact your local association and tell them exactly what happened and the form for the 300 game shot on such and such date at such and such league is fraudulent.  People complain that's it's too easy to get a 300 ring and this tool basically negates two thirds or his tenth frame by fouling and claims a ring?  Such bullshit.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2013, 01:04:12 PM »
You know what. This sport is a joke anymore. No one reads the rules and when most do they interpret them wrong any how. They go into reading the rules with blinders on...they insert or remove words from what is stated so it fits their case. If that doesn't work the next phrase you would hear "WELL...Common Sense tells you.....blah blah".

Go ahead and try to get that 300 game off the books. I guarantee that bowler will fight for it and the USBC will be on his side. Its not worth them getting into a battle over. Why do you think those 900 series in upper New York years back that were first denied, but then considered legit.

Talkin' Trash!

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #37 on: March 20, 2013, 03:16:58 PM »
Well, I used to be an officer in various leagues for near twenty years.  I would run things over to my local association during driving around in my job.  They got to know me over there and I know they would look at it very seriously if I had told them a 300 claim was bogus.  That was a long time ago.   Might not happen these days.  All I know is this; I respect the rules of the sport, I still believe an honor score is an honor score, and everything should be done to respect the sanctity of both.  There's no way the secretary of that league should have filled out and signed off on that 280 game as a 300.  Complete and total bullshit.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2013, 04:12:16 PM »

Well, through another bowler, just found out the bowler in question was not awarded a 300. ::)

Teacher and Chess coach from Cleveland, Ohio..Go Tribe!

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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #39 on: March 20, 2013, 07:15:05 PM »

Well, through another bowler, just found out the bowler in question was not awarded a 300. ::)


Justice is done!  Strike a blow for the waning respect for the sport of bowling
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2013, 07:41:15 PM »
thats good cuz if he fouled its a foul  and those shots dont count it sucks that it happened then but nothing you van do about it
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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2013, 01:48:36 PM »
I would say its a 300 because nobody said anything..

Most people that foul dont look down when they have just finished the shot...
How do I know - It has happen to me running 7 and I agree because I was alittle close...
Sometime people move around after completing the shot and its hard to tell exactly....

If they oiled the lanes to the foul line like in the past he would show a print or would have fallen...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 01:52:48 PM by Zanatos1914 »

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2013, 04:49:32 PM »
I would say its a 300 because nobody said anything..

Most people that foul dont look down when they have just finished the shot...
How do I know - It has happen to me running 7 and I agree because I was alittle close...
Sometime people move around after completing the shot and its hard to tell exactly....

If they oiled the lanes to the foul line like in the past he would show a print or would have fallen...

Are you crazy!?  He fouled on two straight shots!  If you think that's a 300 you don't know the rules of bowling.  But it really doesn't matter what you think, does it?  The 300 was denied.  As it should have been.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


Joe Cool

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2013, 05:22:04 PM »
1st 300 in 30+ years of bowling?  I'd gladly look the other way.  Nothing wrong with showing someone some compassion.

It's kind of funny to see someone that is all about being liberal take a hard line stance over 6 inches. 
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2013, 07:46:34 PM »
1st 300 in 30+ years of bowling?  I'd gladly look the other way.  Nothing wrong with showing someone some compassion.

It's kind of funny to see someone that is all about being liberal take a hard line stance over 6 inches.

Ever stop to think that to those of us the have shot the score legally expect all the other scores to be awarded by the bowler following the rules? 
Someone being liberal?  Are you talking about me?  Maybe you can explain who being liberal or conservative or communist has a damn thing with following the rules of the sport.  I got my first one after 35 years of bowling.  I sure as hell didn't ask anybody to bend the rules for me to do it.  Get a clue.  Get a backbone.  Get some character.  Get a sense of honor.  You need to.  It doesn't appear you have any at all.  But like I said, it really doesn't matter what a cheater like you thinks.  The award was denied.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


Joe Cool

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Re: Is this a 300?
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2013, 08:07:52 PM »
Character is not wanting to deny someone something because of 6 inches.  I have several 300s.  I don't begrudge anyone getting one, or in this case not getting one.  I wouldn't have said a word.  It's not life and death, it's a game.  It's recreation.  Nothing more despite what everyone seems to want to believe it is.  I suppose you would tell an umpire in beer league softball that you dropped the ball even though he called the batter out?  It's a game.  Why you hold a 300 as some sacred event is beyond me.  It's not like the guy said "watch this" and proceeded to foul on purpose to make some kind of point.  To me it all comes down to that guy...if he thinks he bowled a 300, then I'm not going to tell him he didn't.

You picked a funny place to draw a line on no longer having compassion for another human being.  That's all.  If you can't see the humor in that, it's you that needs to find a sense of humor.
Hit the pocket and hope for the best