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Author Topic: Is this a bad thing?  (Read 1234 times)


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Is this a bad thing?
« on: August 06, 2004, 10:13:11 AM »
My coach yesterday taught me something I thought was odd at first but I have seen an improvement on accuracy and consistency. He said to open up my shoulders about 50 degrees or so (he showed me didn't say how many degrees it was) and when i got to the line I square up.

I always thought when you opened up you only do it when you want to throw it out and that you keep your shoulders the same angle all the way threw the approach. I was playing up the second arrow I didn't think it was going to be anything I'd want to do but I instantly saw an improvement in accuracy and consistency I shot a 205 today and was real happy about that.

What I want to know is is my coach teaching me something bad that I shouldn't do? I have never heard of this before and I like it so far.
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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2004, 01:16:37 AM »
some coach pointed out to my son, some of the guys on TV don't keep squared shoulders like they used to, some drop the shoulder. Can't remember which ones he used as an example.
Kathy, From PA!
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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2004, 01:25:16 AM »
I mean I open up and is I get to the line my shoulders are closed I think you call that square I don't really know I don't drop my shoulder it's a little lower then the other but I don't consider that dropping your shoulder but I may be wrong

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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2004, 02:35:00 AM »
The bowling style has constantly changed. Many people are trying to play by the text book style, and are trying to stay away from things like, "open shoulders, not being squared, drifting, dropping the shoulder." Thins like that. Althought that textbook style may get you high games, how many professional bowlers do you see on TV that have a textbook style? Most of the bowlers on tour have styles other coaches wouldnt recommend.

Now the opening of the shoulders and closing them at the line is fine, but yes, opened shoulders at the line help to create something I call the swing margin. Opening the shoulders, for most people. help them to create more power and revs on the ball at release.

Dropping the shoulder usually is a bad habit, but there are people out there who benefit from this. My dads philosopy is "It does not matter how you get to the line, just as long as it works for you."

But like I said, most of the top PBA bowlers dont really have a textbook stlye, but instead they have a creative style. Some of these bowlers include:

Brad Angelo
Walter Ray
Mike Scroggins(fast feet and no backswing, something most people do nto suggest)
And 97% of the bowlers open theyre shoulders, drift, crank the ball, and all those wonderful "non-textbook" things.
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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2004, 02:46:18 AM »
If you ever get a chance to see the VISE Inserts poster, there are about 15 players on there all with their shoulders almost touching the ground.  As long as the ball is directly under your head at release for the most leverage and power...  That usually means you have to drop your shoulder quite a bit...

Actually, that poster is on their main page at

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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2004, 02:53:28 AM »
Good one jhutch769,

I myself drop my shoulder, im sure that means nothing to you, and jhutch769 was right about dropping it, now-a-days, there is a right and wrong way of dropping the shoulders.

Basically intergalactic, if it makes you more accurate, there is no reason to stop doing it.
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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2004, 05:59:55 AM »
jhutch wrote:
If you ever get a chance to see the VISE Inserts poster, there are about 15 players on there all with their shoulders almost touching the ground.  As long as the ball is directly under your head at release for the most leverage and power...  That usually means you have to drop your shoulder quite a bit...

Actually, that poster is on their main page at

Not in the technical sense of dropping your shoulder whereby the dropping is done during release - This is bad!  You will find however that for the majority of serious bowlers (and probably all on the poster), that the angle of shoulder slant is very close to constant during, and just prior to release.  This isn't considered as dropping your shoulder afaik.

Sawbones wrote:

I have never been a big fan of opening the shoulder since that requires two moves. One to open it and one to close it at release and the more moving parts one has in the approach, the harder it is to be consistent.

I agree too but for some people the shoulder isn't flexible enough to allow a reasonable back swing without opening the shoulders so in some cases I believe it is required although perhaps it should be avoided when possible.



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Re: Is this a bad thing?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2004, 09:05:50 AM »
Thanks for your help guys.

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