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Author Topic: Is this ball legal for this bowler?  (Read 5283 times)


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Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« on: December 05, 2019, 09:54:41 PM »
Need clarification. Bowler hasn't bowled in years and I know with new balance hole rules going into effect August 1, 2020, this ball would need to be plugged.

Bowler is a two finger bowler who does not use thumb. Ball is a standard pin up layout with finger tips and thumb slug. There are no balance holes, but I understand since the bowler does not use the thumb with a slug that is drilled, that counts as the balance hole. To my understanding, up until August 2020, this would still be legal, since there is still only one balance hole. After that date, the thumb hole would need to be plugged. Is this ball currently legal for this bowler? Or do they have to use their thumb in the delivery to make it legal?

I see this through USBC:

Does this mean every bowling ball thrown by a no-thumb or two-handed bowler who uses no thumb is now going to be illegal and have to be re-drilled?

No. If a bowler doesn't use their thumb during a delivery, they can either have a thumb hole or a balance hole but not both. If the ball has a thumb hole but the bowler doesn't use it, then as long as it meets static balance requirements, the ball is allowed. If the ball has both a thumb hole and a balance hole, the bowler needs to plug at least one of them.

Thanks for the help
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2019, 09:56:04 PM »
It's fine for the rest of this season.


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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2019, 10:28:43 PM »
If the ball only has finger holes and a thumb hole and the player doesn't use the thumb hole.

The ball would be legal to use "IF" it meets the static weight requirements when used that way as the rule states.

Because When the thumb hole isn't used the center of grip changes to in between the finger holes and the static's have to be measured from there.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 10:33:45 PM by Aloarjr810 »
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2019, 06:22:18 AM »
I dont believe the ball is legal to use. Although the new. Rule about using 2 fingers and balance holes dont go into effect til 2020. I dont believe you cann have grips,slugs or any other object in an unused hole.


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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2019, 07:45:07 AM »
I dont believe the ball is legal to use. Although the new. Rule about using 2 fingers and balance holes dont go into effect til 2020. I dont believe you cann have grips,slugs or any other object in an unused hole.

A thumbhole with a Slug in it is legal to use, you can't have IT's/Switchgrips though.

From the USBC Equipment & Specifications Manual
Drilling Specifications: Holes
The following limitations shall govern the drilling of holes in the ball:
2. One hole for balance purposes not to exceed 1¼ inches in diameter at any point through the depth of the hole. (Slugs and tape will be allowed; however interchangeable devices are not allowed)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 07:46:46 AM by Aloarjr810 »
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2019, 02:05:34 PM »
The ball is legal until August 1, 2020

Starting August 1, 2020, no thumb bowlers cannot have a thumb hole.  The rule is clear that all drilled holes must be used during delivery.  If a no thumb bowler doesn't use their thumb on the first ball, but uses their thumb for spares, they would need 2 balls. One with fingers only and no thumb hole, and another with fingers and thumb hole for spares.  Additionally, the ball without a thumb hole needs a marking engraved signifying where the center of the bowler's palm always rests.  Whenever the ball is thrown the marking must be in the bowler's palm.


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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2019, 09:36:50 PM »
Such a stupid, stupid, rule anyways


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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2019, 05:59:14 PM »
The Rule has nothing to do with the PBA or Belmo.
If the PBA wanted to restrict use of two hands they could implement with or without the USBC. Besides with all the time and money the PBA and USBC have invested in Belmo and promoting the Two Handers, it's not being done to negate Belmo.
Rod Piasecki
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2019, 07:46:19 AM »
If the ball only has finger holes and a thumb hole and the player doesn't use the thumb hole.

The ball would be legal to use "IF" it meets the static weight requirements when used that way as the rule states.

Because When the thumb hole isn't used the center of grip changes to in between the finger holes and the static's have to be measured from there.

This is the correct interpretation on the rule. To add, the static weight must be within the old 1 oz rule, because the "thumb hole" is technically a balance hole. The 3 oz rule is with no "balance hole".
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2019, 04:53:44 PM »
The Rule has nothing to do with the PBA or Belmo.
If the PBA wanted to restrict use of two hands they could implement with or without the USBC. Besides with all the time and money the PBA and USBC have invested in Belmo and promoting the Two Handers, it's not being done to negate Belmo.

If what you say is true....why the hell was this rule suddenly implemented???

Makes no sense to me!
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2019, 05:26:55 PM »
Seems like 2 handers were the primary driver imo which is why in my original post I singled out Belmo (was awfully hot at time these rules surfaced and was wondering if PBA could buffer us league bowlers from changes with their own rules instead) and then deleted because no use arguing at this point (will give USBC the benefit of doubt, mostly to avoid a crap storm, and say they were trying to balance the rules for all bowlers 2 handed or not, not get rid of that style which by the way I never claimed).  It is what it is and the rules are here to stay.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2019, 06:08:26 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2019, 08:29:39 PM »
Since all weight holes are eliminated your view that the rule changes were done to harm two handers is ridiculous. "No Weight Holes" ....A two hander or one hander bowling as a no thumber, lose the weight hole (thumb hole) just like traditional bowlers. A two hander can keep the thumb hole , they just need to use their thumb when bowling.

1) Holes.
 a) Holes or indentations for gripping purposes
 i) Shall not exceed five and shall be limited to one for each finger and one for the thumb, all
 for the same hand.
 ii) Shall not exceed 1-9/16” diameter and 4-1/2” deep, including holes required to install
 removeable devices.
 iii)Must be used on every delivery.
 b) Any secondary hole drilled inside of a gripping hole that is not intended for gripping
 purpose is considered a void and not allowed.
 c) No balance holes are allowed.
 d) Balls without a thumbhole must have a scribed or engraved cross-hair lines (“+”) near the
 center of the palm to indicate the grip orientation. The ball must be delivered in the marked
 orientation (i.e. palm must cover the “+”).
 e) One vent hole for each finger and/or thumb hole, not to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter is
 f) One mill hole for inspection purposes not to exceed 5 ⁄8 inch in diameter and 1⁄8 inch in
 depth is permitted.
Rod Piasecki
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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2019, 09:15:19 PM »
TL;DR version - Didn't care about effects on 2 handers (1 hander myself) as much as was annoyed feeling I was supposed to plug balance holes on a dozen balls because something was causing a slight imbalance for the top 1% of bowlers and because ABC/USBC had stupidly low static weight limits for decades too long which is why the balance holes existed in first place.  Over it long ago (and don't bowl sanctioned any more) though so time to move on.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 02:28:50 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2019, 11:04:57 AM »
Personally, I think the new rules are step in the right direction. Allowing weight holes makes things sort of a free-for-all and difficult to regulate in regard to where they're at, at what depth, for what reason, whether or not they have be used, etc. At least now it's perfectly clear how it all works; if there is a hole in that ball, it has to be used for gripping on each and every shot. If it's not, it's illegal. That's really easy to keep track of. Also, it eliminates things like the triangle layout that some no-thumbers were using. You know, the one that basically gives you six layouts on one ball. I have to admit even I felt dirty when I had a couple of balls drilled that way! I'm not saying these new rules are perfect, but I think it streamlines and simplifies things, and I don't think that's bad. Just my .02.


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Re: Is this ball legal for this bowler?
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2019, 01:04:15 PM »
Personally, I think the new rules are step in the right direction. Allowing weight holes makes things sort of a free-for-all and difficult to regulate in regard to where they're at, at what depth, for what reason, whether or not they have be used, etc. At least now it's perfectly clear how it all works; if there is a hole in that ball, it has to be used for gripping on each and every shot. If it's not, it's illegal. That's really easy to keep track of. Also, it eliminates things like the triangle layout that some no-thumbers were using. You know, the one that basically gives you six layouts on one ball. I have to admit even I felt dirty when I had a couple of balls drilled that way! I'm not saying these new rules are perfect, but I think it streamlines and simplifies things, and I don't think that's bad. Just my .02.

The rules make sense, yes, but who enforces them?  Who calls out bowlers on leagues with balance holes or bowlers not using every hole for gripping?  It will be impossible to enforce and puts an unreasonable amount of self governing on the individual bowlers.  First couple of weeks of fall leagues next year is going to be an absolute nightmare.  People can't (or don't want to) follow the rules now.  It will be way worse next year