This guy in my tuesday night mixed league( we didn't bowl his team), but he came into last week with a 178 avg with 87 games bowled for the season, and he bowled a 798 series(268-276-254) . Back when i was averaging in the 170's years ago I never got close to that kinda series, my high was in the 690's when i had that avg. Now that I am at 200 even my high is only around 750. This guy came into last week with only 21 200's in 87 games and only 11 series 550+ for the season and rips off a 798--needless to say he now has the high handicap series of 936. His team is only in the middle of the pack for the 2nd half of our season, so it's not much of a threat to my team who is in the top 5, and a sandbagger wouldn't suprise me in our league , there seems to be too many of them as it is, but I WAS wondering how often do you see a person with an average that low bowl a series that high? His entering average is listed at 170--I guess he really improved these past few months. I'd have to bowl an 856 tomorrow night to get high handicap series, I guess I won't win that one :-)