Every track has two bowties (think of these as pivot points for the track flare), one near the grip area and one on the other side of the ball. To get a rough location of the bowtie near the grip area, draw a line from your PAP through the pin to the track (depending on the ball's surface you may be able to see the bowtie after you throw the ball, it's hard to see on a polished, light colored ball). With your pin located under the RF and a high track, the bowtie will be very close to your middle finger. For a bowtie in this location, the flare is away from the thumb hole, thus toward and over the fingers, as you have described. The total amount of flare depends on the core, the pin to PAP distance, and the bowler's speed and revs. If your bowtie were a little lower, the track would be flaring into the finger holes instead of over them. If your ball has a balance hole, its location will also affect the location of the bowtie and the amount of flare. -- JohnP