Tonight in league we start the night in 1st place, one game out in front of the 2nd place team. Our anchor is struggling, but we win the 1st game by 9 pins. The team just below us also wins their 1st game.
During the 2nd game, one of my teammates starts coaching the opposing teams leadoff bowler. Not only is she telling her how to pick up specific spares, but what adjustments to strike. I found this really unusual, as our bowler has always been a highly competitive type bowler. I asked another member of the team why she was coaching the other team and was told who knows.
While it bothered me, especially when we lost the 2nd game by 19 pins and the team below us won again, I decided to just ignore it. We went on to lose the 3rd game and total pins to drop to 3rd in the league. The bowler being coached was 12 pins over average each of the 2 games she was coached and my teammate was 7 and 9 pins under each of the games.
Would you coach some one on the team you are bowling against? Maybe it is just me, but I have never been coached by anyone I am bowling against and would never expect to be. I have had my coach talk to me after the match was finished and advise me on what I was doing wrong or could have done better, but never during the competition.
Is it just me, or would it bother you to have your teammate coaching the competition?
Age is only a state of mind. Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young

Edited on 7/8/2004 4:15 PM