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Author Topic: Is this type league allowed???  (Read 6309 times)

trash heap

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Is this type league allowed???
« on: August 30, 2011, 01:45:32 AM »
This pertains to the league I am setting up for this winter. Don't have the money to make a PBA Experience League, Center is NOT certified to be USBC Sport. So my decision was to create a league using slightly modified versions of the original PBA patterns (I think they have changed since they first came out).


Well, I am getting it together. Last night, got a little set back. The USBC Local Association Manager has notified to me that any league that changes oil patterns from week to week cannot be a regular sanction league. Basically once you have a league changing patterns week to week is automatically a SPORT LEAGUE. Since I am not following the complet Sport League rules (Getting Tapes every week, Center is Not Sport Certified, Not having Bowlers pay extra fee for Sport Shot) I cannot have this as a USBC sanction league.


He was really nice about it. I understand his point of view. His signature is going to be on this league too. He is doing the right thing in checking it out. I just couldn't find it in the rules when we were discussing it.


My only reason for this to be sanction is just in case someone shoots a honor score. It might mean a little something to them knowing they shot a 300 or 800 on a tough condition.


What happens to PBA Experience Leagues now? I don't think USBC recognizes the PBA patterns for their SPORT BOWLING.  Can a PBA Exp League be a USBC Sanction League?


I just don't see the rules for changing oil patterns week to week. All I see is this in the rule book:


Chapter 7: Equipment Specifications and Certifications CAQ’s


Do lanes have to be dressed prior to every league?

No. Every bowling center is inspected annually for a compliant lane condition. USBC specifications dictate that when the lanes are dressed, a minimum of three units from edge board to edge board be used for the length of the pattern. As long as this is done when the lanes are initially dressed, they are compliant.




Based on this, as long as the patterns I am using for this league meet the requirements then I can use any pattern that is compliant.


Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Is this type league allowed???
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2011, 08:41:03 AM »
Your local association secretary does not know what he/she is talking about.  If a league had to keep the same pattern they start with no league would be able to sanction.  If you dont want to or cant pull the tapes you sanction as a regular league and your averages will be lower than normal.  This is easy and there are leagues in my area that do this even though they could do the work necessary to be sport sanctioned.  It is up to the league to vote on what to do.


Ten Pin Bowling Pro Shop

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- Cory

Bill Thomas

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Re: Is this type league allowed???
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2011, 03:48:30 AM »
IMO, if you are running a league using sport conditions and not certifying as a sport league you are cheating.