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Author Topic: Is USBC missing the boat? (is a requiem playing for Sport Bowling?)  (Read 849 times)


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(I was going to post in Rags' thread on "integrity", but felt it would be too much of a hijack. so I started this one.)

Looking back at these proposals to "restore inegrity", I think that the USBC is being incredibly myopic. They already have a program that HAS been restoring integrity to bowling. It's called SPORT BOWLING!!!!!!

I don't understand why USBC feels it necessary to in effect "invalidate" sport bowling by saying integrity needs to be brought back to the game.

I'm willing to bet that they would have little to no resistance if they wanted to pass some of these ball regulations in the sport leagues. People join these leagues for the challenge. Because they realize that normal sanctioned leagues aren't filling their need for competition. People joining Sport leagues are the scratch bowlers of old, the people who actually enjoy scoring lower than normal as long as there is a challenge & they are able to hone their skills.

I've said this before, if the USBC wants to "restore integrity" then they should make "sport bowling" the norm. Regularly sanctioned leagues will still be around, but it will be understood that 300 rings will not be given out (but available at a discounted cost). Let the "regular" leagues continue on, heck put out the biggest cake shot around. Let people have their high scores. But make sure that the challenge is there in the "sport leagues".

IMHO these new proposals are equivalent to putting a gun to the head of sport bowling, and I don't like it.



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using the sport condition as a readjustment of scoring levels would be great.  however, how do you get the proprietors to establish those leagues?  

would it be feasible to make only sport condition leagues as the only sanctioned leagues?  if so, how then do you regulate them?

"No more sugar tonight in my coffee...
No more sugar tonight in my tea..."


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The USBC is crazy, remember most league bowlers want to improve, fine, put down your sport shot, lose about 30% of the bowlers when they walk away.
Why should league bowlers pay 20+ dollars a night and then be satisfied
when their scores drop in the name of intregity ??

The is one of the reasons the PWBA folded, sport bowling, I can see woman bowling 180's in any bowling house, why watch pro bowlers shoot 180's on TV.

The people trying to regulate scores by sport bowling or the rule changes
will kill league bowling.  The USBC doesnt understand that bowling is becoming less popular and their actions make the problem worse.


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The majority of league bowlers now wanna go out, have a good time, and shoot the lights out on the THS. Unfortunately us here are a minority. I would rather see a more difficult pattern layed down. I've seen one twice and believe me you see the true rollers from the hacks.


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I guess nobody caught the true spirit of what I intended to say.

What I was getting at is that I feel with these new proposals the USBC is actually turning away from their original program that was intended to "restore integrity". That program is "Sport Bowling".

I then extended that sentiment into a speculation that: if the USBC focused on Sport Bowling as the "new scratch leagues" (comparing sport leagues to the scratch league majors of years past) then they could make any changes they felt necessary to "restore integrity" without ticking off the majority of "fun" bowlers. This is because changes like this would likely be welcomed by sport bowlers.

Hopefully this will clarify my intent for the thread & incite discussion.


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As far as I am concerned, the condition is what needs to be changed when it comes to any regulations on the sport. A ball can only help so much and on a ditched shot like most houses have, the ball means even less. In sport bowling, EVERYTHING means something. The ball, the location, the speed, everything. Now I have to admit that people like scoring. That's fine by me. I don't MIND scoring, but I mind getting into carry contests. The best way to take care of all of this is limit the amount of oil variation between boards, or even 5 boards. This will limit the amount of tophatting that can be done on the lane, bring scores down SLIGHTLY, and kinda even everything out.

No Fear

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GREAT POST....Sport bowling has proven that lane conditions dictate scoring levels....NOT THE BALLS....THE ABC/USBC already has a credible scoring system with Sport bowling....The Bowling ball technology is a Good Thing & Not the Cause of Bowlings Credibility...There are NO MAGIC BALLS & Will NEVER BE(only the "dreams" of bowlers looking for that perfect magic ball really exist)...SPORT CONDITIONS HAVE HUMBLED THE STRONGEST OF BALLS!!!