Revs are helpful, at times, but not the essence of bowling. As clay (and charlest) stated, bowling is about repeating and controlling what you do. If revs do not come naturally, live with it or work gradually on the issue, if you feel that revs and speed do not match well and/or the lane conditions.
But for most of the time, those players who complain about a lack of revs simply suffer from a crappy release. The funny thing is that a wrist support helps in so far that it keeps the wrist staright or even cupped, helping getting a better leverage onto the ball, creating some more revs. But those artificial extra revs are futile because the basic release (e. g. topping the ball, because the wrist is firm but not the arm) is still poor.
It's so easy to delude yourself, and the bowling industry supports this attitude. More hook? Buy the next best high end ball. Or wait for the next, because it is supposed to hoom even more, etc. Or buy a wrist support - the bigger, the better. But taking that step back and admitting that EXECUTION could be the true problem, that's something rarely heard of...