I have been going through a crappy slump. I wasn't carrying and was very inconsistent hitting my mark. After chiming in on Hamsters post about slumps and not carrying, I realized what it was. In the past few weeks Bones has said numerous times that your pushaway is normally to blame for bad timing.
Well, I went out last Sunday and video taped myself. I realized I was starting my ball in the wrong spot and thus my pushaway was off as was everything else. I fixed the problem on Tuesday and shot 648. Not bad, best set this season. I had three opens and only shot at one ten pin. I shot 231, 193, and 224. Thanks for the tip Bones even though it wasn't given directly to me.
Also, congrats on the 700's. What a streak, I am about 35 years or so behind you. My grandfather (67) has never shot one and he started bowling at age 16. He bowls out of Enid, Ok.