O heck yes, I've seen guys go out for my high school team (we are very good, not to brag but better than most other sport teams our school has....) and yes I am a teenager but I even experience the frustration from bowling with those with no lane courtesy. What you have to do is let them go first..always. Even if you have to wait a little while, just think about your next shot, what board your going to hit and do some "visualization" of you throwing the shot. Believe it or not when someone without lane courtesy bowls next to you if you can keep your cool and CONCENTRATE you are actually training yourself to block out these things. Sometimes when there is a b-day party I ask for lanes down by where the little kids are bowling. They are annoying, have no courtesy, and can really bug you. But if you really try you are really sharpening your mental game. I know sometimes this stuff happens but you just got to work with it and look on the bright side of it. Hope this helps.
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.
-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.