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Author Topic: Cheating  (Read 2729 times)


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« on: June 19, 2004, 08:34:05 PM »
Those of you who have checked my profile know I've only been bowling for a bit more than two years. That said, I'm continuing to learn every day.

The one thing I've learned lately has been a most disturbing lesson. People cheat. It's a harsh reality that I have trouble accepting.

Cases in point ...

I volunteered at our ABC state tournament three of the four weekends in May.
 - First weekend, guy throw his strike shot and ends up with a 7-9 split. He turns around and immediately states loudly, "The 10 pin was missing from the rack." No one argues with him, and the rack is reset so he can throw his strike instead of working the split. Doesn't the rulebook state that it's the bowler's responsibility to insure a full rack BEFORE delivering the ball?
 - Next weekend, I'm getting scores for brackets when I see a guy slip a scotchbrite pad inside his buff-a-ball, pick up his ball off the rack and proceed to spin it vigorously in the buff-a-ball. Sure enough, third frame of the next game, he takes his altered surface ball out of the buff-a-ball and starts using it again. He was called on it and claimed not to know the rule about altering surfaces during play.
 - Same weekend, guy throws what he thinks is a strike, but a pin bounces off the curtain and stands back up on the lane. He tells me he needs a ruling, explains what happened and wants me to change the 9 count to a strike. I tell him the pin's standing, so it's a 9 count. He asks to speak to a tournament official. Although I'm standing there with a big blue badge that says "Tournament Official," I realize that I'm just a girl, so I go find the tournament director who backs up my ruling.

Then in league last week ...

I'm in the 10th frame of the last game. We're being beaten soundly by the top team in the league. No big deal. I throw the first ball, the 7 falls late but before the rack drops. The computer scores a strike, and a guy from the other team jumps up and says I need to get the 7 reset because the computer scored it wrong. Fortunately, his teammate was on the approach at the time and confirmed that the pin fell legally. Next ball, I cross over and the 2 pin falls late. Same thing happens. This time my teammate tells him the fall was legal. Gah! This guy was looking for any reason to not allow our marks, even though they were +138 in the 10th. May not actually be a case of cheating here, but it's still smarmy.

Anyway, I'm just amazed at the ways people will try to break, bend, circumnavigate or completely ignore the rules to try to gain advantage in this game.




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Re: Cheating
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2004, 12:32:06 AM »
Man, this just keeps getting better and better! Last night at league, I was joking with one of the bowlers on the other team. He was shooting lights out, and I was just in awe of his ability and his friendly personality. We started talking about teams we'd rather not bowl against again, and he points to a guy two lanes over and tells me his story. Seems he (I'll call him Pete just so it doesn't get confusing) bowled the guy's team the first night of league. About halfway through the first game, the guy comes over and says that Pete throws a nice ball. Pete says thanks, and then the guy says, "Just so you know, I'm a 220 average bowler, but I plan to set a low average tonight." Pete said the guy set around a 160 average for the first week of league and then shot a 300 in week 2. Guy's current average halfway through the season is around 219.

So, someone please tell me ... What the heck is the point? I'm like baltimora. I bowl my heart out every time I step on the lanes. I just don't get it.

And Borincano, thanks for reminding me about the mercury balls. I remember reading that thread a few months ago, and I was hooked on the history lesson.

Have a good night!


da Shiv

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Re: Cheating
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2004, 08:57:40 AM »
Late last season I was thinking that I wanted to bowl a little more than I was, but I didn't feel like I could commit to another league full time.  So, when I got a call from a guy who used to bowl in my Friday league but had moved his team to another house on another night called looking for a sixth man to bowl about every third week, I jumped at the chance.  His team is pretty good, but they also bowl at one of those houses mentioned by Walking E that has a soft condition and inflates averages.  I joined late in the year and didn't get enough games in to go in the yearbook, but this coming year I'm likely to get the games in to go in the book with a higher average than I can bowl in most places.  I'm already in the tweener hell mentioned by Strider, and I won't sandbag, so my solution to this problem is simple:  I don't bowl tournaments.

I'm not interested in being a donator in tournaments, so if I end up with a high book average caused by bowling in a soft house with guys I like, so be it.  The money I would waste entering a tournament could be better spent elsewhere.

That said, I have bowled tournaments.  If the fee is money I can afford to lose, the tournament is nearby, and the people I would be bowling with are good company, I'll bowl.  I won't do big time traveling to lose money in a tournament, especially when I live within an hour's drive of about 5 dozen bowling centers.  I've been thoroughly disillusioned with tournaments anyway by what I've seen in all of the ones I've been in.  There are many examples, but the one that always comes to mind is the time I saw four guys guzzling beer and laughing and goosing each other all the way to 700-plus series for ALL FOUR of them and when I sidled over to look at their scorecard they were all listed as being between 195 and 208 in average.  Could it happen?  Sure, but I'm not buying it and I'm not paying for it.

As he is walking back off of the approach after the second strike, he casually wipes his forehead and runs his index finger behind his ear. Before throwing the third shot of the tenth, Fred quickly slips his greased up finger into the thumb of the opposing 5th bowlers ball and lubes the back of his thumbhole.

The bowling equivalent of a spitball?  This is the first I've ever heard of this.  Really disgusting.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top