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Author Topic: Jeff Campbell  (Read 1198 times)

Ric Clint

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Jeff Campbell
« on: August 21, 2004, 07:08:31 PM »
I went to and looked him up to see how many honor scores he's got and what he averages... and the only Jeff Campbell from NEW CASTLE that I found has never shot any honor scores and hasn't averaged more than 198 on any league in the last 3 years.

Suerly this ISN'T the same guy??? Is it?

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Re: Jeff Campbell
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2004, 03:41:09 AM »
Jeff Campbell bowls for a school in Indiana far away from his hometown in PA.  He just bowls the collegiate season to my understanding with no leagues during the schoolyear.  It's an honor to be able to say that I've bowled along side Jeff in a few collegiate tournaments.  He throws one of the best balls I've ever seen period and he is a very talented bowler.  Being a 1st team collegiate all american is very tough to do and he's done it this year as well as lead his team to a few victories this season.  

I don't mean to get tempermental with you but if you haven't seen the kid bowl, how can you go by one average and some scores to base wheter or not his 900 is credible, or if he is a good bowler or not?

After seeing this kid average 237 at one tournament on a 33 ft shot when the field average for 300+ male bowlers was 176, I knew this guy was the real deal and I'm willing to say he's better than 95% of the users of this site.

....btw, you got the wrong Jeff Campbell Ric.

-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick

Edited on 8/22/2004 3:36 AM

Edited on 8/22/2004 3:38 AM

Ric Clint

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Re: Jeff Campbell
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2004, 03:58:10 AM »
I don't mean to get tempermental with you but if you haven't seen the kid bowl, how can you go by one average and some scores to base wheter or not his 900 is credible, or if he is a good bowler or not?

Do what???

See, you've got it all wrong!

I didn't mean nothing by what I said!!! Infact, where in the world did I cut him down? Nowhere in my post did I degrade him!

All I was wondering is if the guy has shot a 900, then he must be good.. so therefore if he's that good, then he must have shot more honor scores... so therefore I was curious to see what kind of average he carries and how many other honor scores he's shot... and then when I went to and seen that he hadn't shot anything and didn't average no more than 198... then I knew I must have had the wrong guy with the same name... so therefore I came on here to see what the deal was, and if someone could point me to the right Jeff Campbell on

Not for a minute was I degrading him...

Just wondering what the deal was on it says all that in my original post above. That's why I said above, "Suerly this ISN'T the same guy??? Is it?".

I was just curious as to what all other honor scores he's shot!!!


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Re: Jeff Campbell
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2004, 04:05:51 AM »
From ABC Press Release:

"There were some high school kids there, no one else," said Campbell, who has seven sanctioned 300s and had a previous high series of 847. "[Bowling alone] was totally different getting in a rhythm, a flow. But you never expect anything like this to happen."
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick


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Re: Jeff Campbell
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2004, 03:55:47 PM »
dp3 u are correct cause if it is the guy i was thinking of then he did bowl league there but the league shot is a sanctioned league that puts down sport shot just not sanction it as sport and only uses test oils that they recieve since they have a bowling management class.  and I can tell u from experience the average average is about 170 for the league amd is a super difficult shot and the bowling coach there  only ave 168 in the league and jeff was the top average
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