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Author Topic: just a bit upset..  (Read 26351 times)


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just a bit upset..
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:36:36 AM »
Hey guys last night I had two ballsdrilled. When I got home I noticed one wasn't drilled right. I asked for a stacked drill pin over the ring and it got drilled pin over ring with cg in the palm. A label leverage you might say. I am furious but what if anything can I do? I know he'd fix it for free but I am not gonna have a brand new ball that's never been thrown plugged.
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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #91 on: November 27, 2012, 10:14:12 AM »

Thank you for giving some measured answers.  Note the pin was not that strong for Mika just under the ring finger.  CG in grip.

This is an almost never used drilling on the tour,  Even with a weaker pin.  And yet similar pin positions are used with cg out, WHY?  I think you touched on it with your answer.

I did appreciate your answer on long patterns.  I'm curious the orientation of the mass bias on your lucid in relation to your pin.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Impending Doom

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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #92 on: November 27, 2012, 10:31:13 AM »
I like that video, but remember, the whole thing that they're talking about only applies to balls with a intermediate diff of over .008.

Also, Russell, you are totally correct. There is a train of thought that says drill a ball with a strong (max flare) pin to pap to be able to play straighter. That doesn't sound right to the untrained mind, because you think stronger = more hook. I will use a Clutch with a 4 inch pin to pap, with the MB (.008) under my thumb to create a straighter look on a pattern because of it's slow response to friction, but it's still flaring enough to handle a oily THS. Slower response off the friction means I can pitch it into the adult bumpers without fearing for my life, and the higher amount of flare means that I don't have to worry when the pattern starts to carry down.

So, in real world dual angle terminology, my Clutch is 85x4x65. Unless there is a massive amount of friction right of 10, I would never dream of moving left of 20 with it. Would either 5-7-10 with it if I got it in a little bit, or go through the face if I got it right early.

Now, on a condition like that, take my Clutch Pearl. Drilled 60x4.5x30, it has a much more defined move than the solid, and I would be more comfortable moving way left with it because of it's much quicker response to friction.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2012, 10:44:44 AM »
Thank you for giving some measured answers.  Note the pin was not that strong for Mika just under the ring finger.  CG in grip.

That is a strong position for most tour players.  Most tour players don't have long horizontal PAP coordinates.  My PAP is 4 and 1/2" over so under the ring is a 4" pin.  You rarely see balls drilled for patterns with strong pins and no holes, simply because they have a hard time losing axis rotation.

As far as my's a 5" pin AND mass bias to PAP...I don't use Dual Angle I use the Storm system so it's a 5" x 5" x 3"...maybe 3.5"...don't remember.  This puts the pin just over my bridge and the mb just right of my thumb.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2012, 11:02:40 AM »
From both of the last two posts by Impending or Russell.  Always an orientation of cg out or MB out towards the positive side for inside lines.

I almost never see drill angles on angles(in dual angle terminology) of 75 or 80 (cg ending up almost on grip center)  anymore when playing inside angles....hmmmmm??

Yet CG no matter....huh?  Drilling orientation on symmetrics yet no one ever uses it anymore except for one situation  hmmmm?  You've almost described it Russell above in describing the Cheetah Mika was on, or lane managed to his 300.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #95 on: November 27, 2012, 11:08:26 AM »
CG does madda...but only in relation to determining the desired extra hole placement and size.  There are balls with drill angles of 75+ degrees, if I map my Lucid backwards it is probably an 80* second angle, but only when the pin is a little weaker.  If I drilled a ball with a 4" pin and large angle, it would labor to make the corner and probably give some trouble carrying back row pins.

This is not a universal rule....also keep in mind most tour players have much higher revrates.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #96 on: November 27, 2012, 11:16:10 AM »
I actually have Mika's Pap somewhere and I am pretty sure it is around 5. or 5 plus.

I know the exact source just have to find it.

Note the trajectory here in Mika's 300 game on Cheetah, the cg on the grip center.

Refer back to KidLost chart on where ball finishes in the pocket, describe the midlane of the ball in your own mind.  Prominent midlane?  Yes no?


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #97 on: November 27, 2012, 11:22:53 AM » was one game....I'm not sure what you're grabbing at at this point....

I recall Belmo throwing a clear plastic ball on Viper and winning...don't try to make the exception the rule.  He matched up well that day...that was it.  I'm sure someone somewhere has done it as well...but it's not the rule.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #98 on: November 27, 2012, 11:26:38 AM »
Let's switch the subject...we are getting too close....


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Impending Doom

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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #99 on: November 27, 2012, 11:29:28 AM »
Impending Doom...I'll give something to think about...
When you look at a pancake or 3-piece ball, we all assume it is a low diff low dynamic core; if you at it from a different angle, it is a large 2-piece core with one density piece on top of lighter density piece....yes it's a low diff core but it can still show similar characteristics as one of today's cores...i.e. if you add a weight hole you can increase the diff and can lower the RG as well as increase flare....I no longer at those types of cores as nothing less as a low diff core and deal with accordingly.


I can see where you're coming from. You wouldn't look at it as a pin in and treat the layout as such? I know that Mo (or someone along those lines) came up with the plastic ball drillings for the PBA plastic ball tournaments, to allow for motion not thought possible with a plastic ball before, and those drilling do manage to raise the diff to a decent level for a pancake, but in my mind, with the top heavy model of a 3 piece traditional pancake, there wouldn't be justification for me to look at it as anything else, due to the lack of dynamics built in.

Just saying. But it is something to think about if you were facing a condition where that weight block would make sense.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #100 on: November 27, 2012, 11:45:16 AM »
We were/are getting uncomfortably close, I fear....


PS to have a ball drilled with the pin over the bridge and mass bias to the LEFT(correction I was thinking LEFT handed) of the thumb, yes that would labor around the corner.  TO drill a symmetric with pin up and over ring finger at 5 and cg on grip center how deep would you be able to get?  Yes it would labor around the corner?  WHY, cg no matter?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 07:30:35 AM by LuckyLefty »
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #101 on: November 27, 2012, 12:20:06 PM »
We were/are getting uncomfortably close, I fear....


PS to have a ball drilled with the pin over the bridge and mass bias to the right of the thumb, yes that would labor around the corner.  TO drill a symmetric with pin up and over ring finger at 5 and cg on grip center how deep would you be able to get?  Yes it would labor around the corner?  WHY, cg no matter?

The reason CG no madda is 2 fold:

- The CG is not a dynamic point on the merely is a heavy spot created by a fraction of an inch of offset inside of the ball.

- The Mass Bias on a symmetrical ball becomes the thumbhole when it is the mass bias placement doesn't matter.  When you drill an asymmetrical ball 4" by 6" it tends to labor around the corner....and for most bowlers putting the mass bias in the thumb with a strong pin placement is not a very effective layout.

Again this all depends on pin placement....I'm not saying that not having a hole makes the ball lazy...merely that a strong pin and no hole can be lazy because the MB is so far away.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #102 on: November 27, 2012, 02:37:19 PM »
We were/are getting uncomfortably close, I fear....


PS to have a ball drilled with the pin over the bridge and mass bias to the right of the thumb, yes that would labor around the corner.  TO drill a symmetric with pin up and over ring finger at 5 and cg on grip center how deep would you be able to get?  Yes it would labor around the corner?  WHY, cg no matter?

The reason CG no madda is 2 fold:

- The CG is not a dynamic point on the merely is a heavy spot created by a fraction of an inch of offset inside of the ball.

- The Mass Bias on a symmetrical ball becomes the thumbhole when it is the mass bias placement doesn't matter.  When you drill an asymmetrical ball 4" by 6" it tends to labor around the corner....and for most bowlers putting the mass bias in the thumb with a strong pin placement is not a very effective layout.

Again this all depends on pin placement....I'm not saying that not having a hole makes the ball lazy...merely that a strong pin and no hole can be lazy because the MB is so far away.

+1 with Russell. Pin and weighthole placement (drilling wise) will be the most important aspect of ball reaction. The CG can be spun around the ball 360 and it wouldnt make a difference. CG is only important to manipulating flare with a weighthole.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #103 on: November 27, 2012, 03:12:05 PM »
What have I done? It appears I have opened a rather large can of worms. My bad guys.
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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #104 on: November 27, 2012, 05:38:31 PM »
Lets try this for cg, weight hole location, and dual angle effects.

Bowlers PAP will be 5.5" straight across as in previous graphs used.

Lets take two layouts using the dual angle method and see how it shifts after drilling.

One will be 50x5.5x30(cg kicked out 2") the other 75x5.5x30.(cg in)

Very obvious at first is the difference in side weight for each ball. The first ball we see has exactly 1oz positive side weight, and the second ball has .24oz positive side weight.

Now at each ball you will see a red line coming from the thumb hole area. That marks the bowling balls PSA after drilling. On ball one(2" pos) we see the PSA is on the edge of the right edge of the thumb hole. On ball two we see that shifting the CG towards the center grip line almost 2" shifts the PSA after drilling is towards the middle of the thumb hole. Maybe 1/2" difference at most.

If you measure the dual angle after drilling you see that the PSA for both is going to be in the thumb and the actual dual angle numbers/drill angle would be in the ball park of 70 x 5.5" x 30 to 75 x 5.5" x 30. 

Shifting the CG 2" positive or back to center grip line has a very minimal effect. It is only shifting the density of the core very slightly, that after drilling CAN have an effect on the end numbers. (we have seen in previous graphs earlier, there is a 1/2" in reaction difference down lane in the last 6-8" this can have) So we can argue if you can see a 1/2" difference in bowling all day, but it does exist.

Now the point about the weight hole and why having the CG kicked out can matter. Lets add a  1" x 3.5" weight hole on the bowlers VAL and down 2.5"s and see how that effects the PSA. Clearly it shifts it over from the thumb past the CG towards the bowlers VAL and PAP changing the end drill angle by a significant amount. Much closer to 45 x 5.5 x 30. Moving the PSA approx 2"

Yes it changes the pin to PAP distance as well as the VAL angle in all drillings no matter what but since at this time were focusing on the drilling angle and not the Val angle or end result of the low Rg axis lets just go with it.

Enjoy the pics.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 06:18:12 PM by kidlost2000 »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: just a bit upset..
« Reply #105 on: November 27, 2012, 10:42:30 PM »
Both pins are equally weak(to not flare too much early).  And yet it sounds like if given the choice no one would use the cg over grip center to try to carry from the inside?  CG no maddah?

Oh weight I am misconstruing, the reason one cg position is not chosen is because it does not lead to drilling a weighthole, not the CG orientation.

Wait, why did Brunswick originally do this study, what was the purpose?

What rule changes were the USBC considering at the time?  Affecting cg position and weight hole rules proposed..?


PS science always reveals it's control elements and assumptions!  Not in this case...hidden in the mind of former Brunswick employees never to be revealed again.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana