Oh, where do I begin? I'm been bowling since the 1980s and I swear people just come up with new terms to sound smart when I just find them lame. Here is a list of phrases and words I can't stand and will never say in my life:
1) Reading the lane. What is this? The ball can read now? Just say reaction or something.
2) Midlane
3) Heads
4) Ringing 10
5) Flat 10
6) Hits like a bulldozer/truck. My issue is that my ball is the only one that hits to where people lanes away look up. All you guys roll the ball 15mph and the ball graciously pushes pins over.
7) Out of bounds. There is nothing out of bounds. In any other sport, that is where play is dead. When you roll the ball past the 3 board, you aren't out of bounds. That 0 still counts.

Sleeper. The 8 pin is not sleeping behind the 2 pin. It's just there.
9) Messenger. It's the name of a Columbia 300 ball, not a pin.
10) Dead wood. I called in the help desk this past summer and shouted "there is a pin laying in the gutter". The lady responded with a "what and then hung up". A minute later asked again and I regrettably said "dead wood lane 15". 5 seconds later the pin vanished. Jesus!