But what you're also not factoring in is that handicap should be FAIR, not biased towards the lower average bowler, which it is the majority of the time. The better bowler should win more often, that's just called life. At the same time though, if you're a good bowler, join a scratch league or try to get one started. It's ridiculous to go bowl a handicap league to try and get easy wins, but cry about the handicap when you lose. However, sometimes there just aren't scratch leagues available when people can bowl, and when it's either handicap league or nothing, it kind of sucks. Yeah not everybody is going to be in the perfect situation, but everybody tries to work things to their advantage. The handicap bowler that never practices and just comes in to drink that wants more handicap to make up for the effort he doesn't want to put into it shouldn't get it. The people that have worked their posteriors off to become as good as they are should win more often, that's just the way it is, but it's impossible to completely gauge motivation vs opportunity. There are plenty of people out there that want to get better, but just don't have the time or money. I see both sides of this, and I don't see it ever getting any better. Scores in bowling fluctuate way too much on house shots to ever find a fair solution. Tougher shots create a lower scoring pace so handicap would work much better, or at least be more fair, but that won't ever happen.