I agree with the OP. Handicap exists in order to level the playing field. If you are a high average bowler who doesn't like giving up pins, join or offer to start a scratch league. That way you don't have to worry about giving pins away. It's sometimes difficult for the higher average guys to realize that they are in the minority. My Monday night men's league is a perfect example. There are probably 10-15 of us 220 plus, some 230 plus. On the other hand, there are a ton of guys 150-170 as well. Are we really supposed to tell those guys that it's their job to keep up with the big boys? If we did, we wouldn't have a league. If I want to bowl scratch, I can bowl pot games, look for tournaments, or grab a PBA card, problem solved. That sounds a lot more reasonable than forcing out the guys who are just there to have some fun.