Ok, I've been bowling for a while now, and bowl around a 160 average.
I learned from watching videos of the great Earl Anthony and Dick Weber.
Because of this I learned a very smooth nice stroker style. I can adjust for lane conditions and clean up most of my spares... I'm just not a big strike guy.
I had one game of 192 with only 4 strikes.
I use an OLD Earl Anthony Magnum Six. 16 pounds.
However, lately I've been starting to work towards becoming a pretty aggressive cranker.
But, a 20+ year old Magnum Six does not snap or hook the way I am trying to throw.
So after lots of talking with friends and doing research I have purchased a new Storm X-Factor Reloaded. Expensive to jump into with, but I do not mind the cost as I can always use it as a foundation for a nice arsenal of balls.
My ball specs out at 16 pounds, with a 2" pin length and a 2.75oz top weight.
I went with a shorter pin length as I wanted a more stable roll.
But one of my friends told me I should have purchased a ball with a 3 or 4" pin length to get a stronger snap to the pocket.
Now I am worried, I want to be able to use this ball to really SNAP into the pocket and hit hard, this is why I am learning to become a cranker.
So I ask you all, can the ball I described snap on the backend with a pin length of 2" or will I need a 4" to do so?
I feel personally 2" or 4" it's all in how I throw and how I get it drilled... am I right?
Thanks for the help! I need all I can get.
EDIT - Forgot to add, I bowl mainly on medium to heavy oiled synthetic lanes, and I am very good at adjusting speeds, I can roll straight at as low as 8mph and can hook at as high as 18+mph.
Edited on 10/5/2003 7:07 PM