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Author Topic: Just got done bowling state... Plus, Focus Question  (Read 623 times)


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Just got done bowling state... Plus, Focus Question
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:39:54 PM »
Well, Unfortunately I will not be winning all events this year. But, overall, I faired quite well. Last year, all 3 series were within 7 pins difference. All in 550's. This year, they were all withing 7 pins again! Ahhhh! LOL. 559, 563, and a 566. I took a 150 avg into state. (Last years avg.) So far, this winter I have avg. 167 to 170. So not too bad.

But, onto the focus issues. There was a few shots where I appeared to of forgot what I was doing. I know no one is perfect, but I know I can do better. One shot I remember was I was in the 10th frame. I had a double, setting up for my last shot. The lane to left, something happened and the parents started clapping as I was going through my approach, I lost concentration and channeled a ball which was the last shot of that day. What a way to end (Saturday)...

Sunday- I made some pretty decent adjusting here for the 6 game format. I started to get lsot in the beginning of the 2nd series. Managed to pull off some nice spare shooting for a 170. Only one strike that game. I then decide if I am going to make it through the next 2 games I have got to go straighter. So I play as close to Walter Ray as I could with a good amount of loft and speed. I get the last 5 in a row for a 213. Third game the breakdown begins. I have a double going into 10th. I just threw 2 perfect shots with yet again another adjustment. I do not think i could of got a 600, but anyways. I go to throw my first ball of the 10th and I stumble through my steps, but isntead of stopping to reset myself I continue with the bad shot. Get 8 then I spare. Last ball, after losing hope after a stumble, I throw another horrible shot for 6 pins. 176, for a 559.

Just at times, my focus just disappears it seems. Maybe when I feel I am not there or stumble like today I should sit down for a few secodns to pull myself together. Or when I am not comfortbale through the approach restart b/c of noise, etc..

What are some things you guys try to do to try to stay focused?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Just got done bowling state... Plus, Focus Question
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2004, 06:24:12 AM »
Maybe I'm a perfectionist? LOL.

Any one have any tips?


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Re: Just got done bowling state... Plus, Focus Question
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2004, 08:12:49 AM »
I’m not real sure what else to say but that you have to keep yourself the moment of that one shot you are getting ready to throw.

Everyone throws a loose shot now and then. At your average level you should expect to throw several loose shots a game. The key is to not let the previous shot affect the next. What’s done is done you can only affect the next outcome.