quote:Must resist urge to make Mushtare jokes...
quote:What happened to just putting a towel over the camera?---------------------Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
quote:Just Shot 900!!!
quote:I found away to set the consoles in our center so that the scoring system thinks I shot a legit 900. You can adjust the cameras from the console in a manner that makes the scoring system reqister a strike every time. The counter would think that the lane actually shot the score because there are no corrections on the screen. You would need to know the passwords to get into the system but it could be done. If know one is paying attention it could really happen.Smash49Now, if you actually do shoot "900" nobody will believe you since you have already posted that you know how to cheat the system.--------------------Smash49<font face=''Arial''>Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!www.bowlersslidesock.com</font id=''Arial''>www.chisholmtraillanes.com