Debs, we had a similar situation a few years back. In our center, if you schedule the prebowl in advance, they are supposed to set a pair of lanes aside. They usually put you at one of the end pair and keep a lane open as long as possible. If hey have to put bowlers right next to you, they put bowlers who know lane courtesy.
This time, some one forgot to put our prebowl on the calendar. We gotthere for the scheduled prebowl and all they had open was a pair next to a family birthday party. Not only did they not show any lane courtesy, but the one kid would run up on the lane immediately next to us while another her mother was bowling on the other lane. Then she would lay down on the approach near the foul line. We tried to be patient and bowl when the kid was off the lane, hoping she wouldn't run up on us.
One of the guys politely went up to ask the party to keep the child, about 7-8 years old, off the approach while she wasn't bowling. He explained that it was not safe and that it was very distracting. The mother's reply was "We are here for a birthday party. We paid for the lanes and we will use them however we want." Our bowler tried to explain he did not want to ruin their fun, just wanted her to keep the child from getting hurt. The woman decided to get nasty and cussed him out. Thankfully our bowler walked away. He can get nasty when pushed.
At that point I went to the desk to ask for another pair, when it opened up. At the time the house was full. We waited about 15 minutes and another pair opened up and we completed our prebowl.
Some people just don't get it and don't want to get it. You did the right thing in trying to educate the mom. Unfortunately some people just don't want to be educated.
It's not that life is too
short. It's that you are dead
for sooooo