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Author Topic: Just when you thought.....  (Read 590 times)


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Just when you thought.....
« on: March 28, 2004, 06:23:10 PM »
Just when I thought everything was getting better to bowl, I end up hurting my bowling wrist!! My knee has finally been feeling fine due to a knee brace and advil. Now, i am bowling friday night and the ball came off my hand wrong and pulled something. I felt a sharp pain in my palm and shoot up to my elbow. Needless to say, i couldnt really finish the night. I woke up saturday and the wrist was stiff and sore. No swelling or discoloration though. It felt a bit better yesterday and I have been in a wrist brace for the past two days. It feels a bit better today but I think I am taking this week off from bowling to let it rest up. Come the end of the week I will see how it feels, but any signs of hurt or soreness and no bowling for me until it feels better. It figures, you at least temporarily take care of one thing and then something else gets hurt!! This really pisses me off!!

"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....

I consistently SUCK!!"